National park of Skaftafell, a world of glaciers in Iceland

The National Park of Skaftafell is a cuneiform oasis between the sand and the glacier of Iceland (to see hotels in Iceland). Its singular natural beauty is the result of favorable weather conditions and the interaction of fire and ice.

The National Park of Skaftafell was expanded in the 2004 and extends now until around two thirds of the glacial one Vatnajokull. The National Park of Skaftafell is comprised of three very different environments: Skaftafell and SkeiðArársandur (volcano and outwash plain, former National Park of Skaftafell), Lakagígar (crater in a zone volcanic crack, former Laki National Monument), and the glacial cover with a multitude of glaciers.

The landscape has been shaped for the glacial action and the water erosion. The valley of the glacial Skeiðarárjökull, Morsárjökull and Skaftafellsjökull are noticeable inside this landscape, and the rivers, SkeiðArá, Morsá and Skaftafellsá leave they. SkeiðArá is known by causing large floods (jökulhlaup) caused by the volcanic activity under the ice in the zone Grímsvötn.

The volcano ÖræFajökull did eruption in 1362. The result was Litla Hérað (the district of Little) completely was abandoned by a time, later the zone passed to be called ÖræFi, as “uncultivated”. ÖræFajökull erupcionó for the second time in 1727.

The area of Skaftafell enjoys a better climate than many other places in Iceland. At times is a lot more hot than other neighboring districts, due to that is protected for ÖræFajökull. The vegetation of Skaftafell is quite various. The slopes of the mountains are covered with birches interspersed with other trees. The birches are found in higher regions of the BæjarstaðAskógur that in the majority of other places of the country.

The vegetation is gaining ground quickly after be to prohibited the grazing in the national park, and the wild species, like the angélicay the pea, that almost never seen in the pastures in these areas, they are common here.

The variety of insects of Skaftafell is a lot more various than in other zones of the country, and thus already in the middle of summer, a great number of butterflies (especially the species Perizoma blandiata) can be seen there

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