The medieval city and walled of Carcassonne

Along every Europe the own architecture of it is distributed was medieval. They are many towns that carry their perennial track in each one of their streets, corners and buildings. Perhaps they be Spain and France the countries that include greater quantity of these old constructions, many of them conserved in very good state and that have served of tourist motor for the subsequent populations. (to see hotels in France)

In the southwest of France, very near the border with Spain (to see hotels in Spain) a beautiful city exists walls of medieval times, that some time thought to be demolished and to be destroyed completely. For consent of the tourists and travelers, that appreciate the imposing medieval architecture, this did not occur. The city is called Carcassonne and is found in the French region of Languedoc.

Carcassonne is composed on the whole of two cities: a the city walled, the one that continuously is visited for the tourists, and the other an adjacent city, in which approximately some 45.000 people live. It fits to stand out that the city fortified was declared world heritage by the UNESCO in the year 1997.

The first settlers of the city, according to the archaeological finds, they show that they were established in the zone around the century SAW.C. A lot of time later, in the 122 to.C., they did their apparition the Romans, occupying the city given their great strategic location.

The first large constructions are of this time, when they raise towers and walls, the ones that would be expanded through the following centuries on the part of the other populations that occupied Carcassonne. By a short time, the city was in being able of the tribe of the Franks, in order then to be recovered by the Romans. Nevertheless, approximately in the year 436, Carcassonne fell in the hands of the Visigoths, during the reign of Teodorico. Thus it is like they are built the Palace Condal and at the same time the injured walls by the time and by the incessant fights are reconstructed that sought to take the control of so important strategic point.

To the term of the Middle Ages, the city was abandoned and used for diverse end, more not as dwelling. Carcassonne was found in so badly state, that the French government decided to demolish it, before what the historian Jean-Pierre Cros-Meyrevieille, Mérimée and especially the architect Viollet Him Duc, they were opposed ferrous. These two personages restored the city, the one that at present receives to thousands of visitors and has become one of the economic motors of the city.

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