Christmas in Estonia ¡Ruumsaid juuluplhi!

The case of Estonia is perhaps a little sad in which refers to a happy and so exciting date to enjoy in family. It is that during the times of the Soviet occupation, Estonia had to celebrate its Christmas time practically to hidden. Once they were freed of this terrible occupation they returned to celebrate it happily, just as does it the other Baltic countries.

If there is genial custom, Estonia is carried one of the first positions: is that in the late prior to the Christmas Eve, the Estonians celebrate the eves inside marvelous saunas.yes! saunas, such as you imagines itself them. The idea is to prepare all for the supper, to be relaxed in these incredible saunas and then to attend the masses of Christmas.

It was custom of long ago that in the Christmas Eve the silence in all the reigned places of Estonia; during those nights was prohibited to thresh in the mills, to spin in the distaffs, to mount to horse and all that that did noise and could frighten to the spirits.

But you do not alarm, Estonia also knows to be entertained and to pass it genial together its beloved beings in these so magical days. The Christmas Eve is received happily and is custom to share the candies, the foods, and the presents among all the families of the towns. An old belief exists that during that sacred night the souls of the dead persons visit the homes; is because of it that the majority of Estonians they leave served food on the table during the beautiful night.customs, paìs beautiful, beautiful people…Of insurance all the Christmas time they will be beautiful.

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