Aegean sea and its beautiful islands

The Aegean Sea is a place where the tourists can enjoy you get dark them prettier, if want to arrive to here is important to mention that should direct you toward the south of the Peninsula of Anatolia, that is to say, among the Greece (where can arrive there way flights to Athens) and Turkey.

Now all they will be asked the why of the Aegean name. Therefore well, the answer is simple, remote from times is said that the name offers it the Greek city of Aegae. The legend also counts us that in this sea was the cause of the death of a to be mythological call Aegeus. Which of the two histories you believe that be certain?

As well you will know, the Aegean Sea has hundreds of islands, all very pretty and the majority of them belong to the Greek territory. Among the best-known we can emphasize to Chalk, Evvoia, Stems, Lesbos, Limnos, Quios, and Thasos, all them mentioned are quite large islands, nevertheless also you can find many other small and of rocky form.

It is important to mention that the majority of the islands they are found inside groups and to be able to distinguish them they are separated in categories under the names of: Esporadas north, the Cicladas, or Esporadas south. All they present the most beautiful landscapes with mountains, volcanos extinguished, fertile, coastal cliffs pending and green valleys.

It is worth while to relate that the Aegean Sea presents a smooth climate, where you will pass the better holidays.

We speak on the gastronomic theme of the zone. You will be able to visit places where are cultivated the better products as the olives, grapes, vegetable and some grains of wheat. As for the activities, you will be able to practice fishing, navigation, and harvesting of sponges.

The Aegean Sea is a magical place, where you will find a lot of peace and silence, alone will listen the waves of the sea and will observe the esplendidos get dark. During the night you can be going to dance and to listen good Greek music and of different styles in the local bars. You can obtain cheap flights for this destiny.

Sienna, the Renaissance city

In transit by Italy? Then we recommend you to visit the city of Sienna. It is a matter of an old city that according to account the legend was founded by Asquio and Senio ¿Who are they? You recall that the history says that Oar and Romulus founded Rome? Therefore Asquio and Senio are the children of Oar! (to see hotels in Rome)

Sienna is located on 3 hills and in some passed time was an Etruscan settlement, but also a Roman colony. You knew that in the century V was headquarters of a Christian bishopric? Also it was property of the Visconti, of Pandolfo Petrucci and then submitted by Florence (to see hotels in Florence)! At present Sienna preserve the aspect that had in passed centuries and harbors to a series of monuments that is worth while to travel through…

Sienna is a special city for the lovers of the art ¿What offers us the city? A beautiful one to get dark in the circular Piazza of the Field. It is interesting to know that this done plaza of brick is divided into 9 parts, each one of them symbolizes to one of the members of the “Government from the Nine” of the Middle Ages. How interesting! Do not forget to lend attention to the Fonte Gaia located in the plaza, which is decorated with boards carved. What can we find on the other side of the plaza? To the Tower of the Mangia. Is a matter of a bell tower of 100 meters of high. The best of all is that you can elevate and to take marvelous photographs pans of the city! If we walk a little we will find to the Civic Museum ¿Ready to see some works of art? Here we will be able to appreciate trípticos medieval, as well as rural scenes of the Renaissance of the 18th century.

Some another interesting monument? Yes, the Gothic Cathedral of Sienna that dates from the century XII. You knew that the main facade of this place was work of Giovanni Pisano? Yes, upon entering you should put special attention in the pulpit octogonal maintained by lions, the mosaics, the marvelous boards of marble; in the baptiserio the baptismal battery of bas-reliefs of Donatello, Ghiberti, and Jacopo Della Quercia as well as the two unknown sculptures of Miguel Angel, which represent to San Pedro and to San Pablo.

Do not stop visiting the Museum of the Opera of the Cathedral where will find to the Maestà, the masterpiece of Duccio I gave Buoninsegna. You can neither stop visiting the Palace Piccolomini, if are a to continue of the Renaissance architecture will charm you!

Route of the Vodka

You cannot go by Russia and not to test its more famous alcoholic beverage around the world, the Vodka. It is a matter of a colorless firewater that is produced thanks to the grains fermented, to be more exact of any plant that include starch. Thanks to the abundant quantity of prime materials originating from the agriculture (as the corn, the wheat, the cane of sugar or potatoes) can be carried out the creation of the Vodka in large quantities in every Russia.

Its process of execution was in their very simple beginnings, only was left filtering the fermentation of the prime elements (vegetable), which primarily they are shattered in order then to be mixed with water distilled. Currently the large businesses carry out a process of fast and a lot more modern distillation, although still can be found old centers of classical production of this beverage. As for what refers to their origins, is not very exact, but the first indications of their existence are given since the epochs when the Slavs occupied the territories concernientes to the current one Ukraine.

The best of this beverage is that can be found in any bar or restaurant of the cities since the Russians consume a glass of this beverage to the day by average, according to some studies carried out. It is more, the beer is found completely displaced person to a smaller plan thanks to the fanaticism that this historic beverage considers itself.

Many types of Vodka exist, especially its difference itself due to the quantity of alcohol that handle, being the favorite balance for the but experts in the theme the 40° of alcohol. As curious data can be told that this measure in degrees of alcohol was discovered by Dimitri Mendeleiev, who was also the creator of the periodic board of chemical elements.

He is important to mention that if find you in Russia, can attend a curious competition to drink vodka. Where? In the city of Volgodonsk. If you decide to seek lodging in Moscow podras also to find a series of bars to taste the national beverage. For example, the Bar Vodka, offers besides the strong and transparent beverage an environment of electronic music. Another acquaintance bar of the city that specializes itself in the vodka is the Boscow Bar. It visits safety pin for the tourists therefore is located very near the Red Plaza. If we seek slightly more than glamour better nothing than the Bar Publicity.

The Vodka is also respected the national alcoholic beverage of Poland, in this country can be found other varieties by tasting, as for example the zubrowka, the which is carried out next to an aromatic plant to give him a very peculiar smell very to weigh that the experts in the theme prefer it without smell and color. Russia is the country that prepares it with greater tradition and possible respect despite that currently itself this putting very fashionable to combine it with different saborisantes or juices of fruits. Already you know, the best Vodka of the world comes from Russia in all its variant.

Transdanubio (Hungary), the bequest of an empire

The region known as Transdanubio this situated to the northwest of Hungary. Has a similar extension to Catalonia.

The region I prosper during the Middle Ages thanks to the merchants. Remained in the hands of the Hapsburg during the 150 years of occupation Turkish.emphasize in its history two surnames: Esterházy, ambassadors of the cut of the Hapsburg and sponsor of the arts and Széchenyi, standard bearers of the aristocratic liberalism.

It emphasizes in the region the Monastery of Majkpuszta, near Golds-zlány. It was founded in 1730 by the monks camaldoleses. The monastery is surrounded by the forest of Vértes.

The city of Sister is full of gardens, churches and mills and an old castle on the banks of the lake Öreg. Besides counts on an unique greenhouse in every Hungary.

In Komárom, upon being divided by the Danube, its inhabitants remained for the tried Trianon divided between Hungary and Slovakia.

In the city of Bábolna the famous herd belonging to the Hungary Real and Imperial is found., founded in 1789 and that is crossing between pure Arabian blood and mares of race transilvánica. Bábolna besides counts on palace buildings, stables and an old casino for officials.near the city of Györ, the imposing abbey is found of Pannonhalma, surrounded by forests of acacias and oak trees. Is world heritage by the UNESCO. It was founded over 1000 years ago by order of the prince Géza and its construction lasted more than 100. It more notable of the abbey is its library of the 11th century, with its more than 300000 volumes.Györ is the third city of Hungary as for behind alone, monumental wealth of Budapest and of Sopron. It emphasizes its main pedestrian street, Baross Gábor. It it is known like city of the water because the rivers Danube flow, Tail and Mosonita. It counts besides with a modern thermal center.

Another great city is Sopron. Its historic center revolves around two plazas, the main square and that of the Ursuline nuns. It receives also Lutheran and catholic churches, synagogues, Renaissance and baroque residences, theaters and casinos. Enla main square emphasizes the Tower of the Fire of the century XII, and very near there the House Storno that amuses the middle-class life of the 19th century. In the Church of the Goat they are buried various members of the family Széchenyi.

12 kilometers of Sopron the quarries are found of Fërtorákos that has 12 million years of antiquity.

The small city of Fertöd is known by its palace, call the Versailles Hungarian. Is a matter of a complex in the shape of horseshoe with 126 rooms and an immense French garden.

In Nagycenk another castle raises itself, the baroque mansion of the count Iszván Széchenyi.

In the region the third largest lake of Europe is found also Central: the Fertö.

The House Augustine López: A bit of Spain in Minsk

Europe, more known as the old world, has in its western extreme the Iberian peninsula, where is located, among others, Spain. This country is the only one of speaks Hispanic in all the continent, and therefore, with other cultures and forms to see the things. Besides a great history of colonization that had centuries behind.

In the other extreme of Europe, Belarus is found, that was one of the so many nations that formed part of the already vanished Soviet Union. Called old the Russia White, its 207 thousand square kilometers are surrounded by Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Poland and Russia. The capital is Minsk.

But ¿Why to begin speaking of two so different countries? Can be that two nations that are to extremes of the same continent can have something in common? Will be possible? The answer is yes. The House Augustine López, a true piece of Spain in Belarus. The localities is located to some meters of the Plaza Victory, in the real center of Minsk, surrounded by various important centers of the city, especially embassies.

Neither well we arrive at the localities cannot doubt that is a Spaniard, an enormous placard with a black bull in red fund will receive it. Inside, is an extensive localities of 700 square meters, with terrace, garden and its space VIP. They include very special menus, the client asks them and they they prepare it. Also, it can be done reservations for any type of important personal celebration. The decoration is conformed by a great quantity of memories brought since the mother country, as are pictures, decorations, among others, that cause they feel it to one as if was in said country.

They same express that for their food they are based on a Mediterranean diet well valued on a worldwide basis, the abundance of vegetables, cereals and fruits are a fundamental characteristic. More well, they do not abuse so much of eggs, dairy products, meats or fish. The secretito of flavor is in the wine and the olive oil. Besides, they have an extensive variety of wine by its Spanish tradition, teaching him to one, also, when and how is taken in the foods. The most special affection has to the draining, that is done based on exactly came, by being respected a national beverage of the Iberian country.

If it wants to be felt a while as if was in Spain, visit The House Augustine López. Besides, it will eat very well, and will pass it from the best.

100% Entertainment, diversion and adrenaline in the amusement Park of Liseberg

You are a lover just like we, of the adrenaline, the Russian mountains and the parks of diversions? Perfect, then we have somewhat special for you: the amusement Park of Liseberg. Where it is found located? Therefore is Gotemburgo in Sweden.

Knew you that this park of diversions was inaugurated in 1923 and still continues in force? Yes, and at present is considered as the largest place of entertainment of Scandinavia! Surely it will charm everything that considers to offer, by nothing receives 3,2 million people to the year and has been chosen inside the 10 better amusement parks of the world by the magazine Forbes!

Since a principle we will remain delighted with the visit. The playful design of Liserberg is very color, basically all is decorated with colors as the pink one and the green one. Knew you that the logo and fundamental symbol of the park is a rabbit?

Though it is certain that Liserberg offers a series of play, one of the most popular attractions is the Russian mountain of wood of Balder, which has been winner in the 2003 and in the 2005 of the prize to “the best Russian Mountain of Wood in the Entire”World. Wow! He is ready to shout of the emotion? Alone he suffices with telling him that the first fall of this play is of 70 degrees to 30 meters of height and with a velocity of 80 kilometers per hour, so we recommend him to have a lot of value. That yes, it is important that know about that to enter is precise to measure more than 130 centimeters by security reasons.

Liseberg of all for all the ages, but especially for the children. The smallest will be able to enjoy attractions as the Castle of Fairytale. And the adolescents? For them it offers play as the FlumeRide, the mountain Höjdskräcken, and the they Bombard.

What other attractions we can find? The Circus Express, the self-Crazy, the Roulette Ferris, the Rowboats Fishermen, the Hotel Ghost, the House of the Mirrors, the JukeBox, the Carousel Kiddie Flight, the Russian mountain Lisebergbanan, the Tower Liseberg, the Carousel of Ponys, the River of the Rabbit, the Arcoiris and the Tornado among many other.

Obviously it is good to know that the amusement Park of Liseberg counts on different services as nursing, sanitary services, parking, ATMS and banks. There is not excuses for visit it not!

Although there is not direct flights from Spain, is easy to achieve some flights cheap larger European from cities as Paris (to See hotels in Paris) or London (to See cheap hotels in London).

San Valentín to the European style

The Day of San Valentín, the Day of the Love and the Friendship, or simply Valentine’s Day, is always a good moment to recall him the people that surround us, how much we want them. This festivity is celebrated in many places, and evidently each place presents different traditions and alternatives for this day. So much in America, with in Europe, and in the other continents, San Valentín is celebrated of thousands of different forms.

We wanted to know how is that San is celebrated Valentín to the purest European style, and subsequently we describe them what we find.

For example, to receive the day, has been converted, above all for the English single women and the Italians, an extremely important ritual in this festivity. At the moment that sun sample its first ray, these women run to their balconies and windows, to expect to see their future promised. The custom dictates, that the first man that the dawn see them, he will be who he will marry them. There are many who do not believe in it, but nevertheless the tradition is maintained until today.

On the other hand, the English children have also developed a custom that causes enjoys them its part. In this day, many of the children are dedicated to intone songs, in the shape of postcards sung, that sends a lover to another. The children, not alone they entertain and they participate also of this day, but they receive money, sweet or gifts in exchange for their melodies.

In places as Denmark other more elaborate traditions exist. In this celebration, petals of white flowers are pressed, to simulate beautiful snowflakes. These flowers, are then envoys to the nearby and most beloved people. Another Danish custom is the one that have the young men. These they send letters with affectionate and funny messages to the women that want, nevertheless they do not sign in the end of the missive. More well they put a point by each letter of their name. If the woman discovers the author of the letter, this he will receive a gift on the part of his admiring secret.

Visby, the medieval city of Sweden

You would like to know one of the better medieval cities conserved of the northern countries? Then you should direct you to the city of Visby, located in the zone of Gotland in Sweden.

It is interesting to know that Visby was declared in 1995 by the UNESCO as World Patrimony of the Humanity and that harbors 22.000 inhabitants.

You know what is what signifies Visby in northern language? Place of sacrifices! But also him it is known like “the city of the roses and the ruins”.

The start of the history of Visby is uncertain, but is known that has been a center of merchandise around the year 900 after it was common and that was inhabited by the famous Vikings. Then they passed for this place the Hanseatic League, and next to her the city of Visby developed enormously. In 1361, the city was conquered by the King Veldemar Atterdag of Denmark. Subsequently it was plundered by the Brothers Victual, the pirates that sailed the Baltic Sea. In 1411, the King Eric of Pomerania built the castle here and he was established for a period of twelve years, during this epoch Visby became a nest of pirates, and the commerce was interrupted. At this time is precise to explain you why to the city him is called “Place of sacrifices”. It so happens that the Germans set on fire all the churches of Visby, save the cathedral. Nowadays we can see the ruins that remain of them!

In 1645 the city again was conquered, this time by Sweden, after 300 years of Danish occupation. For that then it was signed the tried Brömsebro. In the middle of the century 18 some intents by officials of the swedish government were done to improve the standard of living, but little has been achieved. It is not to principles of the century 19, that Visby returns to its height in the commerce and the harbor industry, but the conquests do not finish here therefore in 1808 was dominated by Russia, but was taken peacefully by the Swedes of return after only a pair of months.

What is what we can find in Visby? Therefore many historic buildings among the ones that fits to emphasize the Ringmuren, that is a Wall of Stone of 3.4 kilometers of length that surrounds the known city also as “The Wall of Bypass”. Also we will be able to know the ruins of an old church.

When it is recommendable to visit to the city of Visby? Therefore during the first week of July, Visby is the setting of the Week Almedalen (Almedalsveckan), an important place of encounter for all them implied in the swedish politics. In August, the tourist season is in its maximum point therefore is carried out the Medieval Week (Medeltidsveckan). At this time you will find a series of events as: music, theater, the medieval market, and a lot more

Dreamguides, the best guide of trips

EDreams is a business of tourism that operates to international level. Always innovating, thinks about that that can need the tourist to expedite its trip. Today I present them the new thing in eDreams: the guide of trips Dreamguides, necessary so that can know that to do in any place that visit. And the interesting thing is that is in six languages, Spanish, English, Italian, French, among others.

For example, if your next destiny is London, eDreams puts to your disposition all the information that you need to visit the most economic restaurants, or the most exclusive, important events, musical recitals, visits to monuments, maps of the cities and of the entire country, tourist attractions, in short, you about the opportunity that you do not lose of do nothing at all in your next destiny.

Visiting the web site of the Dreamguides you will be able to find besides all the information that want on the chosen destiny. For example, if interests you to visit Germany you will be able to find in Dreamguides all the above-mentioned thing to Berlin, or including its tourist attractions, among others data of interest. Another example can be Toronto, in Canada, on which Dreamguides has also its own.

How do you see, eDreams thinks about the tourist. Having access to so much information with only visit a place is extremely valuable. Besides, we do not forget that the page possesses its own search engine of flights, a guide of restaurants throughout the world and the better options to enjoy the nights of the place that visit.

Bergen: Historic, cultural, magnificent and rainy

You would like to know the second larger city, one of the most important and respected one of the most beautiful of Norway? Genial, then we enlist the suitcases to go to Bergen. To arrive here we should direct us to the county of Hordaland, located in the southwest coast of the country.

What more we know on Bergen? That is a city that harbors 373.224 inhabitants and that sits on a beautiful mountainous valley known as that of “The Seven Mountains” or “Of Syv Fjell”. You knew that Bergen is the entrance to the famous Norwegian fjords? Yes, from here you can enter to the Fascinating freshwater glacial valleys! Surely if you think carries out a cruiser by Norway will pass for the port of this city!

At present Bergen is also known like the city of the culture so do not lose the opportunity to give a great walk by the city and thus to know its 8 most beautiful neighborhoods: Arna, Bergenhus, Fana, Fyllingsdalen, Laksevåg, Ytrebygda, Årstad and ÅHeal. If you desire to carry out a tour by the city we recommend you to direct you to the old part of the city where will locate to the Bay they to Wander. What can we see here? To the Spring or Pier Bryggen. It is a matter of a historic neighborhood of the city that harbors a series of picturesque houses old facts in wood that date from the 18th century. If we continue walking we will be able to observe to the Church of Holy María, considered as the oldest building of the city. The religious buildings interest you? We have you some good news then…Here you will be able to enter to several other medieval churches among which fits to emphasize that of Korskirken. Something more? Yes, not to stop visiting the Fortress of Bergenhus, the Real Parlor Haakon, and the Tower Rosenkrantz. Some another tourist attraction? Clearly that yes. You take a walk by the open-air Market, perhaps find something that the attention call you to buy! If you prefer can also direct you to the business district of Bergen which not alone will charm you for which offers for sale, but by its style of art nouveau. What seems you to take a walk by funicular? Really an experience very entertained therefore you will rise toward the Mount Floyen. Since this point you will be able to have a spectacular view pan of the city. It prepares the camera.

You want to know the history of the city? Perfect…I lend attention: Bergen was based on the year 1070 by the King Olav Kyrre known as the Tranquil or Peaceful King. Another interesting fact is that this city was respected like the capital of the country in the century XIII and continued being it until 1299, moment in which Oslo passed to take its place! By the same fact that is a matter of a port, you will imagine that in several occasions was attacked by the pirates! Yes, the fact summit was when in 1429 they set on fire the Real Castle and to almost all the city! What pity! Another not very pleasant event in the history of Bergen was the Battle they to Wander where was faced England (to See cheap hotels in London) and Norway. In 1916 the city be set on fire again and already in World War Two was occupied by the Nazis.

Before leaving keep in mind that Bergen is known like the City of the Rain so carries waterproof clothes and an umbrella of all ways. In the season from winter the temperature can arrive to the less 16 degrees centigrade…How cold! And on the contrary during the summer can reach the 30 degrees.

To finalize we recommend you that not to stop attending to two of the most important events culturally speaking: the Nattjazz and the Bergenfest. If you like the music, above all the jazz will thank it us

Malta, an encircling destiny in the Mediterranean

A territory very little acquaintance (and at times ignored by the great majority) can finish being becoming the better destiny for a trip. Be for the feeling of emotion before the unknown thing or by the boldness of your adventurous spirit, Malta will finish being returned the perfect place by knowing.

It is that this small insular state to the south of Italy has a lot more than offering of what is believed. With its beautiful Mediterranean climate and the great variety of cultures that inhabited in that territory, offers a contribute historic for all the humanity.

Cultures as the Phoenicias, cantaginenses, Arabian, Greek and the British one (to mention some) they left its contribute to the history of this nation, but since the Neolithic period already an own cultural movement could be appreciated, the one that visits Malta can give faith on the tremendous megalithic monuments that have around 3000 to.c. It is more, thanks to the extensive size of these, the theory arose that were built by an extinct race of giants, the theory was work of Jean Quintin d’ Autun in 1536. Even so, the secrets of this old civilization still are a mystery for the historians, above all, that was what to put an end to her.

Another important tourist point is the Port of The Valleta, there the history takes the leading role when touches to speak on the Cathedral of San José or St. John’ s Cathedral, that was built around 1500, in this place also paintings can be found of Michelangelo Caravaggio, one of the parents of the realism.

During our step also we find to the Church of San Pablo or St. Paul’ s Church where true religious relics can be found like are it some bones of this.

The history of this republic would not be complete if is that is not spoken of the “Gentlemen of Malta“, who in the eleventh century they fought against the Turkish invaders and cooperating with the commerce inside the island. After 300 years, Napoleon would take charge of this territory, in order then to finish in the hands of the English since the year 1814 recovering his independence in the year 1964, long after battling against the Nazis in World War Two.

As you can give you account, Malta he has a lot but of what could imagine, and that that alone I have commented on the historic charm of this land…You imagine you that but will be able to find there if he is that dare to visit it.

Jostedalsbreen: The largest glacier of Europe

We are sure that the place that we will propose you subsequently will leave you completely entranced. Is a matter of the Glacial one Jostedalsbreen, the largest one of Europe! It is encouraged to visit it? Perfect. Subsequently we will tell him how to arrive to here. Above all we should take an airplane and to travel toward Norway, then we should direct us to the county Sogn og Fjordane, in the southern western coast of the country. Exactly there we will find to the National Park of Jostedalsbreen, that is where the glacier of the same name sits.

The National Park of Jostedalsbreen was created in 1991 to conserve to this beautiful glacier. You knew that the park covers an extension of 1310 square kilometers? Quite large ¿Certain? It expects to know which is the total surface of the glacier: nothing less than 480 square kilometers. Immense and imposing! To the highest point of this place you are known him as the LodalskåPa with 2083 meters of height above sea level. Another important peak is the HøGste Breakulen with 1.957 meters above sea level.

To arrive to here we should be in form therefore we will carry out a lot of trekking. During our walk we will be able to appreciate glacial valleys as that of Bøyabreen in FjæRland and that of Nigardsbreen, both of 300 meters above sea level. Once we arrive at the glacier we will be able to observe the part more gross of him, which measures 600 meters. You knew that here can carry out escalation in ice and skiing? Wow, a total adventure! But that yes, if you decide to cause should have a lot of care therefore there are some zones of the glacier that have cracks.

The pretty thing of the walk by the National Park of Jostedalsbreen is that almost all the territory is surrounded by ice and snow therefore as will have given you account is a matter of a great glacial plateau. On the road also you will be able to observe many small glaciers separated. It prepares the camera therefore you will not be able to believe the interesting landscapes that will see…After thousands of years these glaciers along with the water that travels through since the streams, rivers and waterfalls have shaped geologically the in a way impressive territory.

You knew that can elect different routes to travel through the National Park of Jostedalsbreen? Yes, for example the routes on foot and the best-known valleys are those of Oldeskardet, Briksdalsbreen, BøYabreen and Nigardsbreen.

If this place charmed you and you want to spend a few days here is possible therefore there are lodgings, hotels and guest houses very near this place. Clearly if you prefer to live the adventure to the maximum can also camp.

Although there is not direct flights from Spain, is easy to achieve some flights cheap larger European from cities as Paris (to See hotels in Paris) or London (to See cheap hotels in London)

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In search of the natural beauty of Iceland: Lake Myvatn

You want to know is one of the special and most extraordinary places on the land? Then we go toward Myvatn. It is possible that never before have listened this name, is because of it that we will cause we will discover you of what treats…

Myvatn is located to the northeast of Iceland, and is most of all a world center of the tourism and the investigation. The place is composed of various interesting natural foci, mostly geothermal, volcanic, and topographical phenomena. How interesting! Nevertheless, its larger attraction is a fantastic Blue Lake, which was formed due to numerous volcanic explosions.

It will interest you to know that the outskirts of Myvatn, they are rich in volcanic activity products landscapes. They are impressive the quantity of formations that are produced on account of movements of the tectonic plates and the lava. The result of it is an enigmatic and fantastic place, impregnated of certain legendary sensation. Close there, the Volcano is found Krafla, that during its several explosions that date from centuries ago, has formed the land to its will and craving.

Krafla has not been the only head by the aspect of the place, all the zone of Myvatn is a volcanic zone still in activity. It over 2.300 years ago, strong explosions in several parts of the place formed what is today the Lake Myvatn. The lake is fed for rich spring water in nutrients and is the place of a very singular biodiversity. Without doubt a natural attribute that will impact you! Likewise it will interest you to know that the minerals and nutrients of the water of the lake are the home of many species of insects, mammalian and small animals, which form an unique ecosystem.

It is precise to indicate you, if is that you think to visit the zone, that be careful with the flies therefore they are used to inhabiting here during the summer! On the other hand we relate that you in the local language is the “Mý” It signifies fly! and “Vatn” is lake, of there we will be able to get an idea of the significance of these flies in the place.

During the summer is also possible to see a considerable number of ducks, which emigrate to here to enjoy hotter climates and also by the great quantity of flies that there is at your service. The ducks from here worship the flies, and during the summer crowded feasts are carry out!

The place offers many things for all its visitors. Besides visiting the Lake Myvatn, you can enter you in the fascinating Caves of Ice of Kverkfjöll, to visit the kettles of the volcanic zone of Askja, to know the Crater of Hverfell, or to go on a trip for the National Park of Jökulsárgljúfur. Lodge you here also found an interesting offering of hotels and inns, although clearly, none is of 5 stars. If you do not want to lose it, surely will find Cheap Flights from Madrid.

Library “Selexyz Dominicanen”: Enormous architectural beauty

With a prize under the arm, we find us with one of the most beautiful libraries of the entire world. In the year 2007, the Library “Selexyz Dominicanen” was a creditor with the Prize of Interior Architecture Lensvelt. Being respected also as bookstore counts on the major stock of books in English of this medieval city, that is one of the oldest cities of the country. Its exact location is in Maastricht, Holland (to see hotels in Holland).

All those people that consider that the reading is an incomparable experience with something defined. We know that a shelter to the height of the same one, should be an exact and precious space to the measures of the readers that seek tranquility to enjoy the old as modern texts. It is because of it when we visit the Bookstore ‘Selexyz Dominicanen’, we find a most beautiful breeze, and only remains desires to be sat down and to enjoy the infrastructure that offers this chain of Bookstores Selexyz, that in its headquarters in the Dominican church counts on 800 years of antiquity.

The design of the bookstore, carried out by the study of architecture Merkx and Girod, respects to the maximum the original personality of the church taking advantage of a surprising way the space. And the fact is that the height of the ceiling permitted them to create a gigantic bookcase with stairs and elevators. What permits to have a more extensive vision of the place, and shows more magnificently a poetry of bookstore.

On the other hand, they count the anecdotes that the Dutch architects, Merkx and Girod, they were found with numerous problems in the structure of the design, since alone they could use 750 square meters of the 1200 square meters that required to cover the project, and at the same time to maintain intact a church with many years of antiquity; but was also a challenge to obtain in a little space the beauty that desired: an image Attractive, elegant and modern. In this way, they take advantage of the highest ceilings to create a structure of various flats in an ascent toward the vault of crucería of the nave. It arranges also on the other side of the church of low tables for the bestsellers and the last premieres, as well as a café so that the readers relax.

An essence of perfection in the design obtained, in which combines modern and medieval architecture, that cannot leave to pass the opportunity to visit if we have thought some time to arrive at this European country. In fact, they have to come…

Travel to Wales in the first person

One of the prettiest things than they have the blogs, is that they can serve to communicate large trips in the first person, cash of first hand by their travelers, and in many real-time cases. That it is the case that we want to count you subsequently: The trip of the bloggers to Wales.

Wales, is a region that is found to the west of England with landscapes that compete really with Scotland. Javier and Carmen, a couple of bloggers of trips, they were there and they count us as is the country in its Guides of Trip to Wales.

Islands Feroes, incomparable.

The feroes are a group of 22 islands located in the Atlantic Ocean, between Scotland and Ireland. Of The group of islands, only 18 they are found inhabited. The landscape that characterizes is them injured and abrupt, with highly cliffs in the coast and treacherous straits among the islands.

Near a third of their inhabitants they live in the capital: Thorshauvn.the feroense is the official language of the island, although still continues teaching dan`´Is in all the schools.the islands has its own system of radio stations and also a television station of cover unlimited.most of the population belongs to the Danish Lutheran Church.

The islanders possess strong cultural traditions also, thus is that if you visit the islands in this epoch really as they carry out dance special for the eves of Christmas.

Though the islands do not be used to being a place prepared exclusively to receive to the tourism, I should I tell you that to visit them will be an experience that never you will forget. They seem removed of a fairytale, but located in Denmark.

National park of Jökulsárgljúfur, Iceland

The National Park of Jökulsárgljúfur was created in 1973. It situated in the western edge of the glacial river Jökulsá á Fjöllum. The National Park extends 30 kilometros to the north of the waterfall Dettifoss to the highway not. 85, that covers 120 square meters kilometers.

Since its birth the river flows through a high remote plateau sprinkled of peaks and with marked flows of lava. In the edge of the high zones, the land is reduced and the river returns more turbulent forming enormous waterfalls in the tube that carries its name. The tube Jökulsárgljúfur is one of the greater and more impressive tubes of the river in Iceland, with 25 km of long, ½ Km of wide and in many places more than 100 meters of depth.

The extensive range of plants that grow in the area offered of rocks and cliffs in the National Park of Jökulsárgljúfur arrives approximately 230 species of registered plants.

Venice, a city with profitable location.

Venice is considers the “jewel” of the Adriatic sea, a beautiful place that captive by its architecture and art eternal.built in an improbable way on a marshy archipelago situated in an Adriatic gap, Venice is a beautiful accident that the Romans that invaders originating from Lombardy fled endowed of life. Way flights to Rome can arrive there.

The Venetian piles interacted with Byzantium (they stole in Alexandria the relics of San Frameworks) and they became a wild animal commercial power that controlled great part of the commerce between East and West.of course, nowadays the city is found in danger, threatened by the recurrent floods and the rain acid.also is sinking under the weight of an economy based almost exclusively in the tourism.nevertheless, survives A city written down in the crossing of the romantic thing and it impráctico, owed in part to the meticulous perpetuation of the cultural identity of Venice.

Who they visit it for the first time they will appreciate the classical museums, although perhaps also they desire to explore the places of less well-known interest to be Lost in the alleys a stupendous way results to observe the everyday life; and although have arrived in ship, in order to familiarize you with the city will desire to return to the water.

The gondola is a famous tourist place, but upon perceiving with the ears the whisper that that causes the oar of the gondolier, will become something a lot more famous for you.Venice continues being the curious and most impressive city of visiting in Italy par excellence.

Belfast: the city of the adventures Gulliver and of the Titanic

Belfast is the largest city and the capital of Northern Ireland. By the northeast, the city is found flanked by a series of hills, inside which the Hill is found of Cavehill. This name sounds you? Surely you have the read… ¿Do not you recall it? It does not it matter, here we tell you: is known by the novel of Jonathan Swith, “The trips of Gulliver”. In this history is related that Gulliver was used to imagining that this had the form of an asleep giant. Belfast is also known because in this place the very famous one was built trasatlántico called Titanic, in 1912. To that you did not imagine that data…

We count a little the history of Belfast…Since the bronze Age, the place where is located the city, has been the same one. Near Belfast, the famous archaeological place is found “Giant´S Ring” or “Ring of the Giant”, which counts on near 5.000 years of antiquity. In the 17th century, passed to be an important settlement due to the Scottish and English colonists that were established in the place.

In 1920, Belfast became the capital of Northern Ireland, due to the creation of this administrative region of United Kingdom (to see hotels in London). From that moment, began to experience a rapid growth, along with protestant and catholic clashes. You knew that the city was bombarded 3 times? Yes, this occurred during World War Two. Of these 3 attacks, the one that caused more damage was that of April 15, 1941.

You knew that the motto of the city of Belfast is writing in latin? Yes, and the following thing says: “For so much gist retribuamus”…Will ask you what signifies? For all your doubts we have an answer. The motto in Spanish is translated like “what we should give in exchange for a lot”, that interesting, but of ¿Where this motto leaves? Therefore it was extracted of the Psalm 116, versicle 12 of the Bible.

As usual, we like to recommend our friends travelers about the climate so that go prepared. It can be told that the climate of Belfast is moderated. Why? Therefore during the day, the temperature average is of 18 degrees centigrade in July and 6 degrees centigrade in January. As you can see we have not to shelter us too much neither neither to carry very summer clothes. Also it is important to know that Belfast has maximum 10 days of snow to the year, due to that is a coastal and urban area.

Belfast is a very good tourist place since counts on different attractive places. One of them is the City Hall of Belfast, with a style eduardino and a dome of 53 m. of height. Also it will be able to appreciate the Ulster Bank, the University of Queens, the Library Linenhall and the Waterfron Foyer. More than one cabdriver will be offered to show him the main points where were carried out the violent acts, where will find the walls of brick and concrete -still standing- that separated the protestant neighborhoods of the Catholics.

The inhabitants of Belfast are characterized for being cordial and very attentive people with all the tourists. Nevertheless, we recommend him that avoid to touch themes related to the politics or the religion with the purpose to avoid any collision with the citizens.

The Better record Stores and Clubs of Europe

Not alone please you with visiting the historic monuments of Europe, above all when we refer to the nightlife that we can find in each one of this continent. Now we see some as many options for all kinds of inclinations.

For example, world-famous that England is the cradle of the rock, aside from being a place in which lives itself with greater passion this rhythm. That it is why to find clubs and record stores in this country that include the hits of the moment and the last musical tendencies turns out to be very common. A clear example of this is the Club KOKO, a place where the last thing of the British rock is mixed with sets of DJs of world renown. Also is The Fabric, a megaclub of London with an entrance that simulates a store, this place is known by its sets of DJs high-quality.

The Bedrock besides counts on its own parlor of the fame aside from stores of vinyls and clothes. For the ones that they worship the music of the 70s or 80s exists Trash a good place to spend the night. And to finalize with this country, also we recommend The Republic, a place with Audio Opus sound quality System, a very special sound.

Spain counts also with great quantity of record stores and clubs, is good that lend attention in some of the presents when you visit this country. One of the most popular places is the Razzmatazz (known also as The Loft and Razz Club), located in Barcelona, has returned a classical place for the lovers of all the rhythms, from pop music to Heavy Metal. It is more various famous groups they are presented usually in it, always one must be up to date with their calendar.

For the lovers of the electronics and the dance is the ROW, very recommendable. On the other hand for the House, Techno and Experimental we have the Nitsa Club, as good as the previous one. On the other hand for the Hard Rock, Heavy Metal and Gothic we recommend the Mephisto, where also concerts are given.

In Germany they are the Disk Planet and Szenecheck, very good options to listen sets of DJs. On the other hand, for the lovers of the jazz is the Dig 54 that includes concerts of various artists of the kind.

On the other hand for places as Brussels, Belgium is the Him travers, an arts center with more than one history century room with entertainment in alive. (flights to Brussels)

Helgafell: The magic of a volcanic God

It gives a tribute to the God of the lava and they will be granted you 3 desires. This it is one of the typical phrases that surround to the culture of Iceland. It cited innumerable times in its oral history as written, in its fables and legends, the Inactive Volcano Helgafell still awakes the mystic and magic of the personages of fantasy. So that your desire be polite, you should carry out the following procedure: First, you should walk firm and to rise for the southwestern slope of the volcano, without saying a word or to look at backwards, until arriving at the runes of the sacred temple. Then, you should assure you that what are asking to the volcano stem from your honest and purer feelings, that is to say of the fund of your heart, at the same time, should be innocent and immaculate. Finally, it descends for the oriental slope without counting him nobody your desires. Expects a moment, and sight to your around. Your desires have completed themselves!

After knowing the legend…we speak a little on the history of the volcano…The last eruption of the Volcano Helgafell was some 6.000 years ago! It will interest you to know that next to him, another volcano is found, but this is found assets. Which is? The Eldfell, whose last eruption was in 1973.

We continue speaking on the Volcano Helgafell… ¿You knew that Helgafell signifies Mount Sacred? We imagine that the name has a lot that to see with the legend that we count you in a start!

The Volcano Helgafell is 73 meters high, and is all a symbol for the inhabitants of its outskirts, who live in the Village of Stykkisholmur. This small town is very religious and account, as will have given you account, with a superstitious local culture. If you walk through the town will note that a church exists that was built at the beginning of the 20th century, and that is one of the main historic protagonists of the place. A curious data is that his old owner was an elder that lived in Helgafell to the day of his death. His remainders were buried in the mountain and they are found looking at toward the temple, according to the Icelandic tradition, his spirit resides now inside the volcano. You believe that be certain?

The Volcano Helgafell is a full magical place of esotericism and superstition, safety pin for those people that love the histories and all it related to myths and legends. Is a majestic place by the respect that emanates and the reverence of its inhabitants. The simple life and Pacific of its settlers enlarges the exoticism of the place. You do not encourage to ask some desires?

The diaphanous Black Sea

One of the most renowned European seas is this of singular name, the Black Sea. You knew that this sea is connected to the Mediterranean Sea through the Aegean Sea?

The countries that kiss the coasts of the Black Sea are Turkey, Bulgaria, Rumania, Ukraine, Georgia and Russia, although Istanbul, capital of Turkey, be the most important city of these countries with which abuts.

It is important to mention that in this sea so much river water flow you salted as candies, being noted that mixture in the approximate depth of 100 and 150 meters, deeper of that the salinity of the sea is accentuated and the lack of oxygen that there are in this, that is the scarcest one of this matter of all the maritime systems had everywhere.

The Black Sea permits to promote the tourism in the countries that rosea their edges, causing noting to small cities that now are important tourist places like Sochi and Anapa, in Russia; Odesa, Yalta and Teodosia, in Ukraine; Mangalia, in Rumania; Burga, Balchik and Emona, in Bulgaria (country whose coast in the most benefited one by the Black Sea, by providing him the greater quantity of tourist places, although many smaller, of little resonance); Batumi and Gagra, in Georgia; and Giresun, Samsun, Curl, etc., in Turkey.

The “Pearl of the Black” Sea is the ukrainian one Odesa, that does not only offer the memorable view to the sea but in its interior offers attractions as city, like the architectural French and Italian buildings of style. This “pearl” was founded as Russian naval port by a called Spaniard José of Review in the distant 17th century.

As opposed to other seas, utilized more for the commerce, the Black Sea offers its water for comfortable cruisers that in ten days will offer a navigation by the most important coasts. In this walk they are included especially to the “pearl” Odesa, as also the capital of their country, the historic one Kiev; the heroic one Sevastopol, place of the Russian armada for World War Two; and other Balkan coasts as the Rumanians, Bulgarian, and also the Turks, that serve like bridge between East and West. The Black Sea is the untiring home of unforgettable spots, where each angle provides the same sensation of anonadamiento, of fullness of life.

The postcard of the dawn of the Black Sea, as well as of the Mediterranean Sea, is it more famous of this natural place, where can feel to be submerged in the environment with only see the the rays of brown tone that emanates the sun in the distance, to the unattainable thing.

National park Snæfellsjökull, Iceland

The National Park Snæfellsjökull (SnæFell Glacial) was created June 28, 2001. It is one of the better national parks in Iceland therefore permits an active exploration and free.the rangers operate in the zone during the months of summer, supplying information as well as supervision of the zone.

Entering us a little in the history, we find us with the adventurous one Bárður Saga SnæFellsás whose saga is one of the most famous of Iceland. There are archaeological remainders of the period of liquidation of Iceland around 1100 years ago - for example, the farm Forni-Saxhóll, Berutóftir and ÍrskubúðGoing.

Next Gufuskálar there is a great number of dome-as structures of unknown origin, is believed that between 500 and 700 years. They are probably the oldest traces than are known of the industry fishing ground in Scandinavia. Some they believe that these structures served as places of prayer or meditation of Irish monks. Ö
The fishing flourished in the century 13 and the human population grew in the zones that surround the glacier. A church themselves contruyó in the hill of Ingjaldshóll before 1200 AD. The size of the church is a witness of the important population of nearby towns, at least during the season of fishing. The rich fishing grounds were built where there was a good access to the open sea. Dritvík is one of the best-known examples. Was one of the greater stations of fishing in Iceland during a time, with 40-60 ships and 200-600 people that work there. The fishing diminished in the peninsula of SnæFellsnes Gufuskálavöruring in the century 19 due to the changes in the techniques of fishing.

The villages that are found near the National Park includes Hellissandur, Rif and Ólafsvík. All they were shopping centers and of fishing. Nowadays, they continue flourishing the animated fishing ports in each community.but without place to doubts one of the indispensable places of the park is the Glacial one SnæFellsjökull with its 1446m above sea level.
The mountain is a volcano in assets, that has gone building through numerous eruptions during the last 800000 years. The summit of the crater is 200m (650 feet) of depth, and is found full of ice.

The sides of the glacier are formed by streams of lava that plow the slopes by way of tress. The last eruption was very large, covering the north half of the Peninsula of SnæFellsnes and being carried great part of the Fjords of the West. The lava flowed for the southern slopes of the mountain and the field of lava Háahraun was formed during this eruption.

The Glacial one SnæFellsjökull has been a source without end of inspiration for poets and artists of the entire world. In fact, many people that visit they say it that they feel a powerful influence of the glaciers and they consider that is a matter of one of the seven most powerful sources of energy

North sea: Water of the western commerce

In the north part of the Atlantic Ocean a clearly European sea is found, owner of the Aryans, call the north Sea. This it is situated between the coasts Norways and Danish, by the side this; by the other –The west- the British islands abut; the small coasts of Germany (to see hotels in Germany), Holland (to see hotels in Holland), Belgium (to see hotels in Belgium) and France to the south (to see hotels in France), where is connected to the remainder of the ocean by the English Channel. No matter how more north Sea be called, does not mean that have not a north –Be worth the redundancy- in that direction is found the Sea of Norway.

The north Sea is not a tourist destiny that can travel through themselves with the prodigious ships of cruisers, therefore is an aquatic surface that serves more for commercial transactions, aside that the conditions climatológicas of the same one would not permit a relaxing navigation.

Since the decade of the 70´S, began the exploitation of its reserves of petroleum and natural gas, as for be not the exception that an ecology be exploited by the hand and ambition of the man.

A motive more for their absence in the tourist routes is its danger for the navigation of its water, therefore in these they join two strong currents come from the north and south directions, besides that a dense fog sets their low sky during all the year, and -as if that were not enough- are recurrent strong storms.

In spite of being dangerous their navigation is very important and traveled through for the maritime traffic, in their coasts many ports of the largest of the world are found, like Rotterdam, London (to see hotels in London) and Hamburg, what leaves to know their sum importance for the commerce of that zone, the Europe Western.

Is a sea with a not greater, average depth to the 100 meters in its not smaller and deeper sectors to the 25 meters in the less deep. That it is why is simple for the experts to deepen in its depths, where they have come remainders of mammoths be found, indicating this that before the last glaciation was a passable zone, of ice or land.

Europe by being a continent with countries of small areas is very common that a single sea cover the coasts of various of them. This helps a lot to the commerce among different nations, that are benefited of the natural resources of that geographical area. Or if themselves not the case is given that enjoyed this sea of great biodiversity, then their water will serve as way of free access among the coasts of the countries with which they abut.

Turku, the oldest city of Finland

Find you in Finland? We have a special destiny for you: the old city of Turku. The unique thing that you should cause is to direct you toward the southwestern zone of the country. This city of 245 square kilometers harbors 300.000 inhabitants and is found on the banks of the River Breeze. The city is divided into two parts: the täl pual jokke or side this of the river and the tois pual jokke or western side of the river.

You knew that this is the oldest city of the country? Yes, although there is not precise data on its foundation, is believed that the city was initiated like such in the year 1150 when already in that then traded in the zone. It is because of it that takes this name: Turku ¿What signifies? Merchandise ¿Interesting certain? Nevertheless, a more exact date on its foundation is the year 1229 when the Bishopric was transferred to here and even the day of today we can find to the Archbishopric of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in the zone. If it it interests you related to the Christianity and the religious constructions then do not lose the opportunity to visit the Cathedral of Turku, considered as a national sanctuary.

How do we arrive to here? Very simple so alone you direct you toward the historic center of the city. Since you are in the Historic Center ¿Why yourself do not take a walk by the main square, by the town hall and the Houses of Brinkkala, Juselius and Hjelt? We are sure that the architectural patrimony of the city will charm you.

An interesting fact is that Turku was in some moment the capital of Finland. Yes, this occurred to the year 1809 when the capital was relocated in Helsinki. Nevertheless, Turku continued conserving great importance in the country by its ecclesiastical and cultural development. You knew that the Queen Cristina of Sweden founded here the famous and very old Academy of Turku? Yes, is a matter of the third university of the swedish kingdom and the first one in the Finnish territory.

In Turku also we can find a called castle exactly as the Castle of Turku. This castle dates from the century XIII and is located fence to the port. What other tourist attractions we can know? The house of wood of the Hill Vartiovuori or Mount of Guard. Nowadays these houses form a whole of Museums of Craft. A famous local construction is the House Qwensel that is not more than a Pharmaceutical Museum. Some another place? Clearly so the Botanical Garden of Turku, which has an extension of 21 hectares. Finally do not forget to visit the Fori. It is a matter of a small ferry that transports the pedestrians and cyclists through the river.

It is important to speak of the climate to go prepared. Due to that Turku is found situated in the Baltic Sea and protected by the islands of the Archipelago of Sea, has a climate hemiboreal. Just like great splits southern of Finland, the city experiences hot summers, with temperatures of to 30 degrees centigrade and winters relatively colds with frequent snow-covered. The warmest month of the year is July, while the coldest one is February. Which is the rainiest month? August! And the driest one? March. Already you have all the necessary data for your trip…

Mediterranean sea: The intercontinental Sea

It surrounded by heavenly bays of three continents, the Mediterranean Sea gives the impression to be the private spa of the inhabitants of said areas. Among the southern zone of Europe, the West of Asia and the African north are found this water and they conform the largest interior sea of the world.

The Mediterranean Sea, belonging to the Atlantic Ocean, communicates to the water of the Red Sea and the Black Sea by straits and diverse channels of that part of the global geography.

Literally, and in various languages, signifies “sea in the middle of the lands”, which is a just denomination by its location in the map.

This sea, old from times, has been navigated powerful populations or empires as the Phoenicians, Roman and, also, Greek, who they believed that its water were the unique navigable in the world, when they surpass these through the Strait of the Gibraltar, where they believed to find only a current, they discover the immensity of the ocean. It would be able to say then that the Mediterranean was the sea only acquaintance of the Old Age.

The Mediterranean Sea is found in a zone of subtropic climates, what facilitates its tourism and enjoyment. All their climatic seasons are commodes, with a hot summer, a winter moderate and a rainy but not cold spring. This explains something of the why their coasts so are inhabited, some in a permanent way, of agricultural form and industrialized as of also tourist form.

Their biodiversity is one of their main characteristics, with their enormous fauna as an approximate one of 62 types of amphibians, 179 of reptiles, 184 of mammals, of which the majority they are endemic. Though the birds do not have that characteristic, also they are various in species, between stable and migratory, 150, like a figure reckoned. The flora that understands this zone is also important, comparable to the fauna, in which emphasizes the Mediterranean pine.

At present the Mediterranean Sea is threatened for attacks of the hand of the man, like the over-fishing or the contamination, also the excess is population in the seaboards, what brings as consequence the global warming-up by these zones.

Already it seems natural that the man destroy the natural beauties, gradually he happens in each spot that still he subsists in our land. If the biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea still fails to extinguish is because is so rich that needs more than some as many evils intentions. Europe, Asia and Africa see to be united through its water, and is work of these 3 continents to protect it.

It more read of the 2008 in "Trips to Europe".

Yourself travel to Europe grows day by day and because of it wants showed which have been the notes of this year that is going that more have read our readers. Trying to offer you always the best information and the better places to visit in the continent, we see which has been the most seen one in these times:

The Theater Roman, new wonder of the world has been the most read article by you and is not for less, since this wonder that the history of the humanity has left us constitutes one of the most impressive national heritage.

The Castle of Dracula, between the history and the legend: curious articles if there are them…To any reader interests him to know as much as about truth had this marvelous legend that arrives until nowadays.

Maps of Venice: useful for those potential tourists, Trips Europe them about the most complete map so that you do not lose in this so private one city.Puedes to report you more in other articles of the network.

The Pantheon of Gets the flu in Rome: The most beautiful building of the world: seems that Italy was the fortunate one of the year. Again speaking of one of its màs famous cities, but commenting exactly on a wonder arquietctonica unique in the world: the Pantheon of Gets the flu.

Legoland, a didactic and amusing park: another of the amusing and most read notes since Legoland constitutes the first done theme park with bricks Layman, but in impressive sizes.

It built in its totality with them recognized blocks of plastics, the place is raised to a kilometer of the small town of Billund, in the peninsula of Jutland in Denmark (continuous reading).

Thanks by helping to grow day by day. We want to offer them the best information without lose sight of the most minimum detail, so that of that form its next trip with European destiny be pure pleasure.

Islands Orcadas, the great archipelago of Scotland

The Islands Orcadas form an archipelago of an average of 70 islands (only 20 inhabited). Where they are located? Therefore set against the north coast of Scotland. Among all the Islands Orcadas, the largest one is Mainland. What signifies in Spanish? Main”“land, ¿you Know why carries this name? Therefore is the sixth larger island of Scotland.

We speak a little on the history of the place…In their starts, the Islands Orcadas were found inhabited by Neolithic tribes and then by the Picts, until before of the conquest of Norway. It is interesting to know that in this place, in the 18th century, the language norn (scandinavian) was substituted by the one that is spoken at present: the Scot.

Due to the overpopulation that there was in Norway to ends of the century VIII, the Norwegians began to populate the Islands Orcadas and Shetland. It is as well as they displace the Picts and to their tongue substituting it for the old northerner.

You knew that in the year 875, the Islands Orcadas were the general headquarters of the Vikings? Yes, and it was Ragnvald Eysteinsson who received the Islands Orcadas and Shetland in the shape of repair by the death of its son, in a battle in Scotland. Subsequently, Erik Bloody Axe fled Norway and lived in the Islands Orcadas to its death in the battle of Satainmooor in Scotland (954). In that time, was found Haakon the Good one in the government and the children of Eirk Bloody Axe tried to challenge it in many opportunities.

With the arrival of Olaf to the islands, in the year 988, the Christianity was expanded not only in the Islands Orcadas and Shetland, but in all the British islands.

With the commitment of the daughter of the king Cristián I of Denmark and Jacobo III of Scotland, the Islands Orcadas and Shetland passed by hand of the Scottish Crown, in 1472.

You want to know more on this destiny? Genial, we continue…The largest island of the Islands Orcadas as already we told is you Mainland, where the 2 main cities are found: Kirkwall and Stromness. Its importance itself due to that come to be the most important point of the system of transportation, since counts on air connections and in ferry. Curiously, the name of the island was an error since initially should be a word of the old northerner: Meginland.

The islands of Mainland are divided into 2 groups: north and south of Mainland. Nevertheless, an island exists that can be grouped in none of these two and is Sule Skerry, is to 60 km. Of the archipelago but is officially of the Islands Orcadas.

The north is the most extensive territory and counts on a large quantity of united islands to Mainland through a trasbordador. Many of the islands known as “Holms” are of smaller size. Among the uninhabited islands they are: Auskerry, Eday, Egilsay, Gairsaty, Ronaldsay north, Pope Stronsay, Pope Westray, Rousay and Shapinsay.

In the south, the islands are found surrounding Scapa Flow, the largest island of the Islands Orcadas. Among the islands belonging to this group they are: Burray, Flotta, Graemsay, Lamb Holm and Ronaldsay Southern.

Although there is not direct flights from Spain, is easy to achieve some flights cheap larger European from cities as Paris (to See hotels in Paris) or London (to See cheap hotels in London).

Building Lloyd´S: A colossus of steel and glass in London

The Building Lloyd’ s is a monument of the very important architecture that is located in London (to see hotels in London) and which was designed by Richard Rogers between the years of 1978 and 1976 approximately. You knew that this architect already had designed previously different centers? Yes, because of it he possessed the necessary experience to design to the magnificent Building Lloyd’ s.

Already in that epoch the technology was advanced to fast steps as can be appreciated in the Building Lloyd’ s with its external and internal infrastructure, since possessed twelve elevators of glass, which called the attention by the delicate thing of the material. Who was going to think that this building was going to last all the life and to be model for other many constructions?

The Building Lloyd’ s, as already we have mentioned, is an impressive monument that is comprised of three towers and that by their dimensions they excel in the city of London by their impressive finished and above all the materials that were used to build it. We cannot leave sideways the originality and creativity of the designer.

As account the history the great Building Lloyd’ s demolished its old where alone headquarters remains the main entrance, and behind that mural old one and full of history can be observed to the current building.

We advise you, during your step by London, to stop you a moment before this monument to be able to appreciate the evolution of the architecture and the mixture of the modern thing with the old thing, that causes thinks that is good to recall and to know that the ingenuity always goes been present.

If it desires to visit it and to travel through each part of the building of steel and glass, can do it and to know more on its antiquity and the financial functions that carries out this symbolic building.

History, designs, finished and creativity is what trasmite this full building of antiquity and history. It is because of it that before the Lloyd’ s, any tourist will remain impacted by his majestic infrastructure and the luxurious finished, but above all by the ingenuity to polish each piece of the cold steel and of the colorless glass giving thus an admirable, beautiful, and unusual aspect.

Well we know that at times he is difficult to create things and to do them reality, in the case of the Building Lloyd’ s, the chimera became an element tactile and visible and that nowadays, thanks to its surprising construction, continues being one of the most visited places of the city.

Derry, a historic, commercial city and with a lot of nightlife by offering

Derry or also known as Londonderry, is a city of Northern Ireland. The old city was found located in the western banking of the River Foyle, while the current one covers the banking of Cityside and of Waterside and is connected by 2 bridges. You knew that is one of the few cities of Europe of which its walls of contention have not been knocked down? You should know also that Derry fence to the edge is found very with County Donegal in the Republic of Ireland.

The city of Derry has had a very nearby relation with County Donegal for centuries. The founder of Derry was St. Columba (also known as Colm Cille or St. Columb), a saint and real prince of Tír Chonaill, old name of County Donegal. How interesting!

The official name of the city is Londonderry and appears in this manner in the maps; nevertheless, its more common name and utilized is Derry. Why will be? Surely because it is less long and easier to pronounce, what yes we know is that the name “Derry” normally is utilized for the nationalists. The city has a majority nationalism and the consul voted so that the name Derry to be changed and utilized in official matters. On the other hand, the city also receives the nickname of ”Maiden City”, due to that its walls never could be penetrated.

You knew that Derry was the first plan of city of Ireland? Yes, it was initiated in the year 1613 and recently they were finished to build the walls 5 years later, in 1618. You will note when walk through the streets of the city that still today for the present conserves the style of the 17th century, above all in four of the main streets: Bishop Gate, Ferryguay Gate, Shipguay Gate and Butcher Gate. You want to give a pair by the historic buildings of the city? Then you should direct you toward the Gothic Cathedral of St Columb, in 1633. Surely its fabulous architecture will dazzle you. Also you can visit the Green Castle or Greencastle.

If you are a fan to the purchases found the ideal place therefore Derry is the largest place of purchases of Northern Ireland. The city counts on 2 shopping centers: the shopping Center Foyleside, which has 45 stores and 1.430 places to station the vehicle, so if you rented a car will not have problem therefore there is a lot of space! On the other hand, we have other shopping center, the Central one Richmond. The shopping Center Quayside also is to the service of the city. As well as these, there are many other shopping centers, with national and international stores. Already we gave you a super data, now alone lack to carry enough money for the souvenirs and gifts for the family and friends.

When we are of trip one must give us a nocturnal escapade ¿Certain? Therefore Derry has a lot that to offer, its nightlife is found chiefly focused weekends. The Street Waterloo is the point of meeting; is a street that counts on different record stores with Irish as well as also modern traditions. Rock music in alive and traditional music, can be listened in the record stores of the place. The city is recognized for knowing extremely talented and exceptional musicians, as well as also bands that do presentations in all the city; for example the duet Smalltown America, Fighting with Wire and Jetplane Landing. That harms the diversion!

Saint Patrick, the owner of Ireland.

The first one great figure of the Irish history is that of its holy owner: Saint Patrick.THERE ARE many contradictory narrations on its life, but the truest one says us that was of noble birth and that was born in the north of England around the 387 after Jesus.

In one of the numerous incursions of the Picts and Scotch was taken prisoner when tapeworm sixteen years and envoy as the slave to Antrim, in the Ulster, in whose hills he had to take care of the rams of his master.

Six years later he managed to escape and he was directed to Gaul, the current one France, and there, after an intense preparation and education, was ordered bishop and he returned to Ireland as Christian missionary. He preached in this country before that the Ard Rì founded its cut in Defect and began to organize and to establish the Christian religion.

Defect was during centuries an important place, where the warriors were going to receive orders of the Ard Rì, and the cut was full of bards that touched its harps and sang praises to its kings and heroes. Now, Defect is not more than a pile of grassy land without a stone that reveals what was a great religious center.

Scotland: Top 5 of the better places to scale in Scotland

* Posted by Inma Careers
* March 10, 2008

The escaladora Vicky Jack recommends us the top of the 5 better places to scale in Scotland. The order of priority you mark it you;)

1. Buachaille Etive Account in Glencoe: good, perhaps this be the másespectacular

Buachaille Etive Account

2. Cuillin ridge in Skye

Cuillin ridge

3. Stac Polly near Ullapool

Stac Polly since the parking

4. Ben Lomond: mark the separation between the Highlands and the Lowlands, with nearby access from Glasgow

Ben Lomond since the south

5. Ben Mhor

Ben Mhor

6. Ben Nevis: the highest mountain of every United Kingdom. It tries the route aternativa by Carn Account Dearg, you will not find many tourists by there.

Ben Nevis

Sources: Scotland is the tackle (inglés)|Undiscovered Scotland|Nafirchlis
Other pages of information: Hotels in Edinburgh | Islands Orcadas, tracks prehistóricas

Although there is not direct flights from Spain, is easy to achieve some flights cheap larger European from cities as Paris (to See hotels in Paris) or London (to See cheap hotels in London)

The volcano of Sicily, Italy.

The Sicilian mountains are of origin volcanic.the Aetna, famous for certain, is that of greater height (3,278 mts.) occupying territory of the vast plain of Catania, with their lower slopes densely populated and covered with copses of olives and vineyards, considered the oldest one of the Vesuvius; their skirts are very woodlands and in them we find the most spectacular oak trees and full dense zones of brown, that at the same time Up by the alpine vegetation.

In winter, the top of this spectacular volcano is covers with snow, that alone melts few weeks at the end of the summer.although the volcano is found transitorily inactive, has caused large havoc during long periods of years, having occurred eruptions with alarming frequency.the larger catastrophe took place in 1910.

Of Sicily can be told a lot. This beautiful Italian island is the largest and populous one of the Mediterranean. Its population rubs the 4 million inhabitants and has a surface of 25,000 square kilometers.

The population of Sicily has suffered from many floods of winter and of several droughts in summer.the rains fall only in the months of winter and the short rivers of the region, overflowing of their cause, caused the disastrous floods. Nevertheless, Sicily never lost its magic and beauty, therefore do not wait for to visit it and to travel through with enthusiasm as does it all those that pass for the island.

Throat Cheddar, the precinct of the oldest man of Great Britain

Some time you heard to speak on the Throat Cheddar? Do not you create that we are speaking of food. The Throat Cheddar or Cheddar Gorge is an assembly of caves that along the years they have been one of the most important attractions and you amaze natural of Great Britain, specifically of the Village of Cheddar, inside the Hills Mendip of Somerset in England. Is a matter of a form to travel more than interesting.

Yes, many national tourists and foreigners arrive to here, very curious to carry out a route through these caves of limestone, stalactites and stalagmites. Him it is called throat because the caves are you united in their interior through paths, labyrinthes and subterranean routes that reach depths of to 113 meters.

We know the most interesting places inside the Throat Cheddar… In the first place we will visit to the Gough´S Dig or known also as the Cave Cathedral, that according to the guides is a matter of an ancient cave formed does more than one million Years, during the epoch of the ice. The interesting thing is that still nowadays we can observe to a subterranean river traveling through for these places. You knew that this I need place was the home of the men of the Stone Age? Additionally we relate that you the discoverer of this cave was Richard Gough (therefore the name of the cave) in the year 1890.

To the interior of the caves also we will be able to find a species of museum, where expositions on the men of the Stone Age can be observed. It turns out to be very instructive to know then the Man of Cheddar, of whom still their complete remainders are conserved…You will see then the skeleton of the oldest man of Great Britain that is calculated has around 9.000 years of age and which was found in the year 1903. Besides this educational exposition shows us how is that they lived at that time the men, their customs and their fondness by the cannibalism.

Then we will direct us toward to Cave Cox where we will travel through narrow passages of rocky formations and pools of natural water. You knew that this place was discovered accidentally by George Cox in the year 1837?

For all the lovers of the fauna we have them some good news. The interior of the Throat of Cheddar is the home of many wild birds such as wandering hawks, kestrels and ravens. You are ready to practice ornithological tourism? As it was to be expected, also the bats inhabit here.

We pass to another theme…Barely we think about the word Cheddar comes to our mind the delicious yellow cheese. Therefore well, like you will imagine this so known cheese everywhere has an origin here, in the Village Cheddar, so during your visit do not forget to buy a little them to taste them.

Additionally we recommend you to take a walk by the outskirts of the caves, in the Hills Mendip you will be able to carry out pleasant activities outdoors as walks, cavalcades, and even escalation. You can obtain low flights cost toward here.

Witches, the most conserved medieval city of Europe

You intend to carry out a trip toward Belgium? We have you an excellent option: Witches…Not, does not be a matter of a city of terror…You do not leave to carry for the name. It continues reading and you will discover that in spite of the fact that its name sound a little gloomy, is a very beautiful place, that are sure will charm you!

You knew that Bruges is the better medieval city conserved of Europe (to see hotels in Paris)? Yes and besides we relate that is you the most visited place of Belgium. Why? Therefore one of the main reasons for which happens this, is because is a matter of a Living” “Museum of the century XIII, in which the time seems there to be person under arrest since its port closed. If the history of Europe charms you, this is a good place to feel it in alive and in direct. A lot better than knowing it through a simple book ¿Certain? Clearly so an interesting fact is that Bruges counts on two medieval centers, the Marka and the Burg.

We speak a little on the art and the culture…In the Museum Groeninge, you will be able to appreciate interesting works of the first flamenco painters, just like in the Stadhuis (City Hall), that counts on excellent collections of painting and furniture. Now, if what you are seeking is an exceptional and unique view of the city, then have to do the effort to rise 366 steps to arrive at the bell tower. Once in the bell tower, you will be able to see 47 bells of the carillon, just like the views of the city, which go losing in the polders. A heavy walk can seem, but finally is worth while to do it!

Witches, “the flirt”, hides after the walls, near the sea. As in few places in the world, its medieval channels move among wonders of the Gothic architecture and alleys of old houses with gables. The historic assembly in the center of the city, is found composed by the Watchtower, the Shops and the Marka. On the other hand,
The Grand-Tackle, is surrounded by coffees, which they offer you an interesting variety of coffees to elect.

As you will have been able to note, the major attraction of Bruges is their historic center, which was declared Patrimony give it Humanity by the UNESCO in the 2000. Great part of this has been reconstructed and in spite of it, the city is one of the largest Central European tourist attractions than they exist currently, chiefly due to that maintain intact the medieval architectural structures. It travels to Bruges and discovers everything that this Belgian city considers to offer!

Lapland, the land of the Lapps.

Beyond Norrland in the northern extreme, Lapland is found, very close to Finland and Norway.The basins of their rivers possess still desolate, precious wood trees forests tundras, full, marshy lands of a special moss of which the reindeer are fed that inhabit the territory. All seems of dream in Lapland.This is the land of the summer midnight sun and of the northern halos of the winter, of the summer day that hard weeks and at night winter likewise long.

Here they are found also some of the richest mines of iron of the Gellivara and in Kiruna there is solids mountains with so rich mineral streaks that the two thirds of those they are of iron pure.millions of tons they export yearly to Germany and England; to maintain said trafico has been built an electric railroad, the most northern one of the world, that crosses the peninsula Scandinavian from Lulea

There is not in London, Paris (Trips Paris) or New York (Trips New York) a railroad but luxurious that the “I Express of Lapland“, the same one that travels through hundreds of kilometers beyond the polar circular, to Abisko, place frequented by many tourists by being considered the end of the habitable world.

Antwerp, one of the tourist cities of Belgium

Already we know the fabulous city of Bruges in Belgium…But ¿What another places we can travel through in this marvelous country? Therefore we recommend you Antwerp, a city that possesses a rich and interesting history.

You knew that Antwerp represents one of the most incredible tourist localities of the country? Yes, to arrive to here alone you should direct you to the edges of the River Scalds. If find you in Brussels so alone should travel through 40 kilometers of highway toward the north. Also you can arrive in airplane therefore the city counts on an own airport. If you prefer it can also transport you through connections of train. It is interesting to know that the city of Antwerp limits with the “Ring”, a railroad that was built in a ditch of the century XVI. We wager to that did not you know that data! In Trips of Europe, we recommend you Hotels in Belgica

Why the city is called Antwerp? The place receives this name due to an old legend of Silvio Brabo (which possesses a statue located in Grote Markt or main square). According to account the legend, a long time ago there was a called giant Druoon Antigoon, who was used to inhabiting in the river and charged toll to all the ships that passed over there. When a ship refused to pay, the giant cut the hand to the captain and threw it to the River Scalds. What fear! A day arrived in which a disagreeing, Roman Centurion with this situation, cut the hand to the giant and in the same way that the to be used to doing it, threw it to the river. It is from that moment that the place receives the name of Antwerp (Antwerpen), where Ant means hand and Werpen signifies to launch. Finally a quite mythological legend!

Antwerp is one of the most important European ports of the present time. At first sight, we will be able to see the picturesque and humble facades of the Jewish quarter, but if we set us more deeply we will be able to see that in the place hides one of the most prosperous industries of diamonds. Already you know, if want to give him a ring of commitment to your girlfriend this is the precise place. That yes, surely you will have to spend a lot of money!

They are few the places in the world that combine the old thing with the new thing of a form as natural as in Antwerp. With this we refer to that you will be able to see eclectic mansions with style Art Nouveau, along with villages neorrenacentistas and medieval castles. Without doubt, a trip safety pin for all those lovers of the architecture!

What other attractions we can find in Antwerp? If it charms you to travel through religious places we recommend you to visit the largest Gothic cathedral of the country: Onze-he weigh-Vrouwe Katedraal. Another very amusing and interesting place is the Zoological one of Antwerp, where you will find an interesting “collection” of exotic animals. After having read everything that we have counted you on Antwerp ¿encourage You to visit it? Without doubt is one of the destinies that not one must lose in Europe (to see hotels in Paris)

The famous Dutch cheeses.

Amsterdam (trips Amsterdam) and Roterdam has as main economic activity the maritime commerce.; the agriculture and the fishing it is two fundamental occupations of the remainder of the country. The black and white cows of Friesland are beautiful and the commerce of cheeses, whose centers are Alkmaar and Edam, is world. The market of Alkmaar takes place every Friday of the season; one or two days before innumerable cheeses are transported to Alkmaar by railroad track, highway and channel, and they pile, covers with cloths tarpaulins, in the enormous free space to the opening of the market. The to travel by there is a true pleasure.

This it takes place Friday at 10 in the morning, and during all the day, Dutch of impassive aspect remain standing next to the piles of cheeses, testing with a spade of hand, trying to diminish the price su8gerido and observing the perfection of those exquisite pieces of cheese.

Almost as known as the industry of the cheese is the cultivation of tulips and hyacinths. This it is found centered around Harlem, where the famous “Sunday of tulip”in the third week of April is celebrated, when people of every Holland responds to the old woman and celebrate the cities of the interior the production of Geneva and other alcoholic beverages constitutes equally a flourishing industry.

An it traveled through by the little capital acquaintance of Albania: Tyrant!

You plan a trip toward Albania? Therefore above all we visit the capital Tyrant! Do not you create that of we are saying that is a matter of a city that harbors a state of absolute power…Nothing of that, simply her name is a Tyrant!

You knew that the city was based on the year 1614? Well yes, but recently to be became the capital of the country in the 20th century, exactly in the year 1920! What more we know on this city? Therefore that besides being the capital of Albania, is also its cultural and economic center! You knew that in spite of harboring to less than half million of inhabitants, the city is overpopulated?

Until it does some years Tyrant was not a very tourist city and not because have not attractions, but by the constant political instability that sufría the country. You recall the communist problems in the eighties and the military tensions by the ones that passed Albania in the year 1990? Happily the situation nowadays is different and Tyrant has a lot of potential to be become a new destiny to travel in Europe (to see hotels in Paris)!

We begin our route by Tyrant…Finally to your step by the city you should know to the two symbolic and oldest neighborhoods of the city: Mujos and Pazari! How do we arrive to here? Very easy, alone you should direct you to the center of the city, very fence to the River of Wool! If you walk around here will find the Plaza Skanderberg! What places of interest we will find around here? To the National Museum of History, to the Palace of the Culture, to the Mosque Et’ hem Bey (Yes, here in Tyrant a mosque sits that dates from the year 1793!), the Tower of the Clock and the famous University of Tyrant!

Already we know the attractions of the city, now is important to speak on the climate and the stations so that be prepared at the moment of to travel! The month more cold of all is January therefore the temperature average is of 6 degrees centigrade! So do not forget to carry some shelter if decide to travel during this epoch. If on the contrary you prefer to travel during the summer, we notify you that the warmest month is July. Which is the temperature average? 31 degrees centigrade! And the rains? The haste are presented above all between November and December while as you will imagine July and August are the driest months! Now that already you know absolutely all on Tyrant ¿In what time of year will travel toward there? In Trips Of Europe, you can find hotels in Albania and Hotels in Tyrant

Bergen, the cleanest city of Norway.

Bergen, the second city of Norway, is famous everywhere by being the second place cleaner of the entire world.everything that there is in her seems that to have been mopped daily.the reason of this is that in Bergen rains fall copiosísimas; is said that there rains every day and at times during all the day, therefore the clouds arrive from the Atlantic one and they are resolved in rain Place. You can manage to travel cheap toward there, and cheap hotels can be found.

The long history of Bergen as one of the main ports of Norway and in the last times like tourist center and of international business a more cosmopolitan air confers than to other cities Norways.

The inhabitants of this precious city are not left to depress for this, in fact, they are known like happy, very hot beings and the happiest of Norway.

For many people, the most interesting part of Norway is not the fertile field, neither the active southern cities, neither the picturesque fjords and forests of the center, but the call “distant Norwegian”west, with its Lapps and reindeer, its long months of winter darkness and its prolonged summer, when the sun is not put during continuous weeks.

Sofía, one of the oldest cities of Europe!

You think to travel to Bulgaria? Then you cannot stop knowing its fabulous capital and larger city of the country: Sofía. The female city is located to the west of Bulgaria, to the feet of the Mountain Vitosha. If you want to know the educational, economic, cultural, and administrative center of the country not to stop visiting it!

Being one of the oldest cities of Europe, the history of Serdica-Sredets-Sofía can be tracked approximately 7000 years ago behind. You knew that establishments have been found prehistóricos in the place? Yes, the excavations that were carried out in the center of the current city, near the royal palace, as well as also in the districts of the outskirts as for example Slatina and Ophelia, thus they show it, above all the walls –Very well they conserved- of the city (especially the subestructuras), which they date from the century VII to.C. How old!

You knew that Sofía has had different names in the different periods of its existence? And as you will imagine, the marks of the thousand-year-old city of the history still can be seen in their different architectural works.

Before beginning the traveled through is precise to speak on the climate so that travel completely prepared: Sofía possesses a climate continental moderate, with highly temperatures in some times of year. Which is the warmest month? August, while January is the coldest one. Sofía remains less hot in summer that other parts of Bulgaria, due to the height of the valleys in which is found located; nevertheless the temperatures can reach the 40 ºC in some opportunities.

Now yes, we initiate our tourist route. The city harbors numerous museums, as for example the Historic National Museum, the National Museum of Bulgarian History, the Museum of the Land and of the Man, the Museum Etnográfico, the National Museum of Military History, the Technical National Museum and the Archaeological National Museum. Thus same, the art gallery of the city is very interesting and is worth while to visit it.

Sofía also offers different places of special interest as for example the National Library of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, which harbors the national collection of larger books of the old cultural institute of Bulgaria. The State Library of Sofía, the British Consulate, the Russian Cultural Institute, the Institute of Hungary and other institutes more are interesting places that you would be able to visit. Families with children were used to enjoy Sofia Land, a park of diversions near the Sofía Zoological Garden (founded in 1888). Nevertheless, the park of diversions was closed in the year 2006 Any .¿ time you imagined the interest places quantity that possessed the capital of Bulgaria? In Trips of Europe you can find hotels in Bulgaria and Hotels in Sofia

Sofía, the capital of Bulgaria.

If we observe the map of Europe we will see that Bulgaria form splits of the Balkan peninsula. It is situated between Greece and Rumania, has a short border with Turkey European and limits again with the State of Yugoslavia to the west and the Black Sea as limit oriental.Sofía, its capital, raises itself between two mountain range in the center of the Balkans and constitutes a true tourist center in the country. You can obtain economic flights toward here.

Sofía is a beautiful village, poseedora of a beautiful Byzantine cathedral, whose golden domes, crowned of crossings, they shine to the rays of the sun.there are splendid public parks, trolleys, streets well paved, marvelous stores and even shoping´S to carry out the most luxurious purchases.Sofía is a completely modern village, built on the ruins of a village present alone they remain a solitary minaret and some huts to recall us that until does little Bulgaria was simply the Turkish province of Rumelia. There same you can obtain very good hotels.

It turns out to be always pleasant to walk through the beautiful streets of the city, observing the strange aspect of its inhabitants. Its ram skin bags, the flat caps of astrakhan and the gaudy suits and semiorientales of the peasants turn out to be very interesting in the coffees, that constitute a characteristic of the life of the Balkan villages, the violins gypsies orchestra and guitars touch sentimental melodies. It visits Sofía and verifies your same one.

The Temple of Aphaia: discovering Greece

The Temple of Aphaia (sV aC), dedicated a daughter of Zeus, an associated divinity to Artemis that was venerated as protector of the woman, is built on the foundation of a previous temple of the century I SAW, in the place of a Greek pre-sanctuary.

He is a matter of a temple peripteral of six for 12 columns. The ceiling of the ships is supported in two rows of columns. In the opisthodomos there is a table stone altar. 23 yellowish color limestone columns exist, chiefly in the extreme this and the adjacent sides, preserving the remainders of original stucco that faces the majority of the columns are monolithic. The ceiling and the sculptural decoration is in marble.

Unusual characteristics are the irregularities in the flat of the ships and the subdivision of the opisthodomos. The sculpture of the pediments is found now in the Glyptothek of Munich, and there are some other remainders of the sculpture in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens, and the Museum Aíyina. Out of the extreme this of the temple and connected with her by a ramp are the bases of an altar, and to the south of it is the Propylon, with pilasters octogonales. The temple is found in a terrace built to a level of surface and is maintained in part by the natural rock and in part by walls of masonry. Systematic excavations in recent years have removed to the light fragments of the previous temple of around 580 aC, what has permitted to reconstruct the facade. This reconstruction, with another material of the place, is found in the western part of the temple.

In the outskirts they are the remainders of dwellings of the Neolithic (fourth third millennium before Christ). Since the precinct of the temple there is magnificent views on the gulf Sarónico for the continent, from Athens to Tip Soúnion.

The Temple of Aphaia is to 13 kilometros / 8 miles to the east of the city of Aíyina. The highway that conducts her carries us through wooded part, built in part of mountainous land. In the first place we pass from the Church Áyii Theodóri, built from remainders of an old temple; note the fresh that date from 1289. After 8 kilometros / 5 miles we arrive at the old medieval capital of the island Palaeochóra (abandoned in 1800), with some 20 chapels of the 13-century 18. Over the medieval ruins of the Kastro are found, and more still the dispersion of houses Mesagró. Finally a steep route carries us to the temple. (To see Hotels in Greece)