Aegean sea and its beautiful islands

The Aegean Sea is a place where the tourists can enjoy you get dark them prettier, if want to arrive to here is important to mention that should direct you toward the south of the Peninsula of Anatolia, that is to say, among the Greece (where can arrive there way flights to Athens) and Turkey.

Now all they will be asked the why of the Aegean name. Therefore well, the answer is simple, remote from times is said that the name offers it the Greek city of Aegae. The legend also counts us that in this sea was the cause of the death of a to be mythological call Aegeus. Which of the two histories you believe that be certain?

As well you will know, the Aegean Sea has hundreds of islands, all very pretty and the majority of them belong to the Greek territory. Among the best-known we can emphasize to Chalk, Evvoia, Stems, Lesbos, Limnos, Quios, and Thasos, all them mentioned are quite large islands, nevertheless also you can find many other small and of rocky form.

It is important to mention that the majority of the islands they are found inside groups and to be able to distinguish them they are separated in categories under the names of: Esporadas north, the Cicladas, or Esporadas south. All they present the most beautiful landscapes with mountains, volcanos extinguished, fertile, coastal cliffs pending and green valleys.

It is worth while to relate that the Aegean Sea presents a smooth climate, where you will pass the better holidays.

We speak on the gastronomic theme of the zone. You will be able to visit places where are cultivated the better products as the olives, grapes, vegetable and some grains of wheat. As for the activities, you will be able to practice fishing, navigation, and harvesting of sponges.

The Aegean Sea is a magical place, where you will find a lot of peace and silence, alone will listen the waves of the sea and will observe the esplendidos get dark. During the night you can be going to dance and to listen good Greek music and of different styles in the local bars. You can obtain cheap flights for this destiny.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, I got to know a different aspect of Aegean Sea. I hope my next destination will be Aegean Sea.

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