North sea: Water of the western commerce

In the north part of the Atlantic Ocean a clearly European sea is found, owner of the Aryans, call the north Sea. This it is situated between the coasts Norways and Danish, by the side this; by the other –The west- the British islands abut; the small coasts of Germany (to see hotels in Germany), Holland (to see hotels in Holland), Belgium (to see hotels in Belgium) and France to the south (to see hotels in France), where is connected to the remainder of the ocean by the English Channel. No matter how more north Sea be called, does not mean that have not a north –Be worth the redundancy- in that direction is found the Sea of Norway.

The north Sea is not a tourist destiny that can travel through themselves with the prodigious ships of cruisers, therefore is an aquatic surface that serves more for commercial transactions, aside that the conditions climatológicas of the same one would not permit a relaxing navigation.

Since the decade of the 70´S, began the exploitation of its reserves of petroleum and natural gas, as for be not the exception that an ecology be exploited by the hand and ambition of the man.

A motive more for their absence in the tourist routes is its danger for the navigation of its water, therefore in these they join two strong currents come from the north and south directions, besides that a dense fog sets their low sky during all the year, and -as if that were not enough- are recurrent strong storms.

In spite of being dangerous their navigation is very important and traveled through for the maritime traffic, in their coasts many ports of the largest of the world are found, like Rotterdam, London (to see hotels in London) and Hamburg, what leaves to know their sum importance for the commerce of that zone, the Europe Western.

Is a sea with a not greater, average depth to the 100 meters in its not smaller and deeper sectors to the 25 meters in the less deep. That it is why is simple for the experts to deepen in its depths, where they have come remainders of mammoths be found, indicating this that before the last glaciation was a passable zone, of ice or land.

Europe by being a continent with countries of small areas is very common that a single sea cover the coasts of various of them. This helps a lot to the commerce among different nations, that are benefited of the natural resources of that geographical area. Or if themselves not the case is given that enjoyed this sea of great biodiversity, then their water will serve as way of free access among the coasts of the countries with which they abut.

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