The Better record Stores and Clubs of Europe

Not alone please you with visiting the historic monuments of Europe, above all when we refer to the nightlife that we can find in each one of this continent. Now we see some as many options for all kinds of inclinations.

For example, world-famous that England is the cradle of the rock, aside from being a place in which lives itself with greater passion this rhythm. That it is why to find clubs and record stores in this country that include the hits of the moment and the last musical tendencies turns out to be very common. A clear example of this is the Club KOKO, a place where the last thing of the British rock is mixed with sets of DJs of world renown. Also is The Fabric, a megaclub of London with an entrance that simulates a store, this place is known by its sets of DJs high-quality.

The Bedrock besides counts on its own parlor of the fame aside from stores of vinyls and clothes. For the ones that they worship the music of the 70s or 80s exists Trash a good place to spend the night. And to finalize with this country, also we recommend The Republic, a place with Audio Opus sound quality System, a very special sound.

Spain counts also with great quantity of record stores and clubs, is good that lend attention in some of the presents when you visit this country. One of the most popular places is the Razzmatazz (known also as The Loft and Razz Club), located in Barcelona, has returned a classical place for the lovers of all the rhythms, from pop music to Heavy Metal. It is more various famous groups they are presented usually in it, always one must be up to date with their calendar.

For the lovers of the electronics and the dance is the ROW, very recommendable. On the other hand for the House, Techno and Experimental we have the Nitsa Club, as good as the previous one. On the other hand for the Hard Rock, Heavy Metal and Gothic we recommend the Mephisto, where also concerts are given.

In Germany they are the Disk Planet and Szenecheck, very good options to listen sets of DJs. On the other hand, for the lovers of the jazz is the Dig 54 that includes concerts of various artists of the kind.

On the other hand for places as Brussels, Belgium is the Him travers, an arts center with more than one history century room with entertainment in alive. (flights to Brussels)

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