Levi, the famous center of Finnish skiing

You have heard to speak of Levi? If you have done it, we are sure that should have been for its incredible ski runs or probably, by being one of the beautiful and best-known stations of every Finland. (to see hotels in Finland)

But that it is not everything that Levi has to offer, but also is presented like a true paradise in the cold winter of Finland. Do not you lose more time and begins to enjoy the snow and the different activities that this offers you. It undertakes a new road in the safaris in sledges of reindeer or of hardly dogs husky, knows the place in the excursions in motorcycles of snow or if you prefer, go skiing northern. You does not seem sufficient? It is well, since Levi has a lot more by offering. You leave you to carry for its entertained and animated nights or enjoys the marvelous lodgings and the inequable gastronomy.

The settlers of Levi are concientes that the tourism is a great source of income, for which they continue improving their services, as well as also their installations. Only so that have an idea, counts on the largest investment than itself has done in all the Lapland Finnish. Currently, some projects are being carry out, as for example the Levi Spirit. It is a matter of new and luxurious chalets, whose construction was initiated in June of last year. Before long, will be a vacation center of five stars, which will carry the name of Levi Spirit. Besides, to the five luxurious chalets that had in a first moment, they will add him themselves 15 other more in the not very distant future.

Levin Tori will be before long the central plaza of Levi and will include a total surface of 25,000 m2. In her, a hotel belonging to the Chain will be being inaugurated Sokos, which will include sauna in 76 of the 202 rooms. Likewise, we will be able to find five restaurants inside the famous Pore soft coal Hotel. On the other hand, cannot stop mentioning that already is being spoken of the construction of a luxurious hotel of five stars –Four Seasons or Ritz Carlton- for the year 2009. It is known that the new hotel will count only with 60 rooms, which they will have between 20 and 200 m2.

Currently, Levi counts on 19,000 beds in 5 different hotels, apartments and in an extensive range of chalets.

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