Fröhliche Weihnachten: Christmas German.

Germany does not be away from being a country that too much be differentiated as for the feasts of Christmas as they do it in the majority of the countries of the world. Such is so all the 6 of December begin the preparations for the great arrival of the boy Jesus. It is there the moment ideal so that weary more German bake crackers and they decorate next to their family and beloved beings the tree of Christmas. You can obtain cheap flights for this destiny.

When a boy is found in Christmas Eves to Christkind, that according to the Germans, is a species of winged figure that distributes the gifts each year.Christkind is a messenger, an angel that sent the boy Jesus, according to the tradition.the night of December 5 Holy Claus and their assistant Knecht Ruprecht. they visit the houses of the German children to evaluate the behavior of them. To those that have carried well during all the year, Holy rewards them with candies, nuts and apples, while Knecht Ruprecht takes charge of punishing the children that have carried themselves badly.

The 25 of December gather the Germans to celebrate Christmas. It is there when they cook some exquisite houses of ginger, food that characterizes them in these dates.the streets of Berlin dress of green and red and all the country celebrates happily this exciting date.

After the supper of Christmas Eve, the children expect impatient the moment to open its gifts.for it, is tradition to await that sound a chime that each family places in the door of its house: that is the opportune moment to run to open the gifts.

As all over Europe, Germany celebrates happy this so beautiful festival.

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