The magic of the Fields Eliseos

If it had that to be elected some city that gather beauty, history, art and culture, would be without doubt Paris. (To see hotels in Paris) romantic City, the one that was for a long time the capital of the world -displaced by New York-, acquaintance also as the City Light and home of the Tower Eiffel, is crossed by a symbolic avenue of the world: Them Champs-Élysées, or by its name in Spanish, The Elysian Fields.

This magic avenue of charm without equal, has a length of 2 kilometers and extends since the Park of the Triumph to the Plaza of the Agreement. Their name stems from the Greek mythology, this was the place where were going to stop the virtuous souls. To this great coffees plague avenue and restaurants of luxury, the French call it “The bonus belle avenue du monde“, that is to say, the most beautiful avenue of the world. The beauty of the avenue confirms this said French. Besides the most beautiful one, would be able to say also that is one of the most expensive. You knew that the rent of a localities of approximately 93 square meters costs 1.50 million dollars to the year, what face of France becomes the zone it more? (To see hotels in France) in recent years, the arrival world chains of stores, has switched the old spirit of the avenue. The government has called to this phenomenon as “banalización”, for which they have taken certain measures.

It is important to mention that in a start, the land that today occupies the avenue were fields of cultivation and gardens. You can believe it? This was thus until 1616, when María of Medeci decided to expand the gardens of the Palace of the Tullerías, endowing to this field of trees and flowers. They passed a lot of years and in agreement the city of Paris went growing in population and beauty, its avenues also. Is as well as for ends of 1700, The Elysian Fields was already a fashionable avenue. In 1824 its sidewalks are built and in 1994 the greater restructuring of its history leads to itself. This avenue is used to harboring important celebrations for France, like the march of the German troops was it when they invaded France in 1940, the subsequent march of the France free in 1944, and one of the most recent when the French selection of soccer obtained the world championship of the FIFA. Besides, each 14 of July the French soldiers parade along the avenue recalling the Day of the Hem.

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