Madam Tussaud: The museum of the living statues (Splits 2)

The exposition of the Museum Madam Tussaud is divided into various sectors: sport, former presidents and current, famous writers, singers; but the most visited place without any doubt is the Camera of the Horrors, which fascinates the visitors since 2 centuries ago behind. Here famous murderers are found, criminal, psychopaths and victims of the French revolution, the terror done wax. You will be able to see some instruments of torture and large personages of the history as to María Antonieta.

Another of the important sections is the zone “Spirit of London”, where we will see the all the English city in wax. It is a thematic walk through the time, aboard a taxi typical Londoner, where we will be able to discover as has changed the city since the epoch of the 18th century until today.

At present, the museum, is one of the main attractions of London. A called company The Tussauds Group handles a franchise that has several branch offices in Ámsterdam, Hong Kong, The fertile plain, New York and already arrived to Hollywood, who would say, all a star.

Ojala some day I have also my sculpture, good if themselves not of wax, that be drawn it does not matter, to be like a “Tussaud boy”, does not interest if there is not place where to put my self-portrait, if they want I can go in the room of the Horrors next to unhinged personages or in the entrance seeming guard. Some day will be, already the moment will arrive, I do not lose hope, better I expect seated.

If you desire to respond to this museum should direct you very near the station of meter Baker Street. From afar you will be able to recognize to the museum therefore its green dome causes stands out it on the other neighboring buildings. Once arrive at the entrance should pay 25 pounds to enter, and although a little expensive in comparison to the rates of other museums in the world seem, what is important here is that the visitor can interact with the pieces of art. Of what way? Although it do not you create can touch them, and to feel that are embracing to your favorite idol. You encourage you and fotografíate next to all the personalities that rest here.

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