Viennese coffee: An Austrian institution

The majority of places in the world, they have, aside from the large institutions, well established, and that are repeated in the majority, having their analogous in other geographical locations, traditional cultural demonstrations, that they are institutionalized, becoming a part of the identity of the nation. That is the case of the coffees of Vienna.

The Viennese coffee is an establishment that has been institutionalized and that performs an importance sum role in the local culture of the country.

In the Viennese coffee, the majority of times I am lent for long stays of people that do not go accompanied, and that they are dedicated to leaf through newspapers or books, next to other people that they respond to this place with the same end. Along with the coffee, is not to be missed that a glass of tap water be served always, the one that is filled more than one time, if the stay in the establishment is prolonged.

This Austrian, or specifically, Viennese institution, exists like such from ends of the 19th century. In that epoch, in even toward principles of the 20th century, many of the famous writers of the region, they spent a lot of time in these places, by turn out to be pleasant their environment, even they were dedicated to write in these places. It is counted even that great part of the work Die Fackel, of the writer Karl Kraus, was writing in this type of establishments. Other writers and poets of coffee were Egon Erwin Kisch, Peter Altenberg, Arthur Schnitzler, among many other. Although were also headquarters of conversations and rests of other many artists, as for example, Stefan Zweig, Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt, Lion Trotsky, among others. There is no doubt that this place was lent for the creation and propagation of the art and the culture.

Though this type of establishment is typically Viennese, similar places and with the same connotations, they can be found in other cities of the old Empire AustrohĂșngaro, as for example in Prague, Lemberg, Budapest, among others.

The classical furniture of this type of coffees has changed enough with time, for which a luxurious Viennese coffee can be been found and comfortable, as well as also one cold, modern and modernist. What yes the majority of the times is used to respecting itself, is the inclusion of chairs Michael Thonet and the tables of marble.

So if one already it is found visiting Vienna, to be passed an afternoon reading in one of its coffees, can be becomes a magnificent experience cultural.

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