Something more on Belgium…

Always it is good to know interesting data on each country. Today it is the case of Belgium, that has the characteristic to be the country but densely populated of Europe. The conditions of their industrial development have determined an uneven distribution of the population.more than the half of the population are flamencos, that live mainly in the north provinces and speak flamenco, a local version of the Dutchman.

The remainder of the population the Walloons they form it, French-speaking, that reside in the southern provinces and of the east of the country.a scarce I number of inhabitants of German speech inhabits the part this of the country.

The great majority of the Belgians are Catholics Roman.nevertheless, a small minority of Protestants exists, the majority of them Walloon, and a growing Moslem minority, that reflects the presence of an important community of immigrants.

The Belgians have noticeable always by the above-mentioned thing to the art, the music and the architecture. Among the notable figures that emanates of this marked cultural orientation we find the flamenco artists Pieter Breughel the Old one, and to Pieter Paul Rubens. As well as also to the painter serrealista Magritte, the composer to Cease Franck and the architect Henri go of Velde.As we see, the fame abound, all they are the ones that did that nowadays Belgium be a worthy country to visit.

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