Mountains of Europe

When an elevation of land surpasses the 700 meters since its base is considered him mountain. These they pass to take the name of mountain range when themselves encentran grupadas, many of these conform mountains of renown and are points of attraction for the practices of sports. The fanatics of the climbing seek the better and higher in the world to initiate their crossing, several of them located in Europe.

Near a 10% of the world population lives in far away, mountainous regions of the noise of the city and living together in tranquility near the rivers that are born in these areas, drinking of them since they constitute the water of the total population. Besides live near her offers the better views and a more personal contact with the environment, which in the cities is not possible.

In Europe they exist three assembly of mountains. The Atlantic front extends since the north of Ireland to the northern extreme of Scandinavia and receives the name of mountains caledonianas. The mountains hercianas of Europe central have height less than 200 meters. Finally, the alpine folds of the Mediterranean part surpass the 3000 meters and they are of steep tops.

The mountains of Europe are of great prominence with heights over 4500 meters, mostly located in the Caucasus; nevertheless Mont- Blanc, Mount Rose, Weisshorn and Dom also they are classified as higher mountains of the European continent. Honorable mention receives the Mount Elbrus since belongs at seven o’clock summits.

The mountains of Europe is maintained in the following rank of height: Elbrus in Russia with 5642 meters; Shkhara in Georgia with 5204 meters; Dykh Tau in Russia with 5201 meters; Kashtan Tau also in Russia with 5147 meters; then they continue the georgian mountains Jangi with 5052 meters and Kazbek with 5050 meters; France appears (country where you can obtain very good hotels in France) with its Mont Blanc of 4807 meters followed by Mount Rose between Switzerland and Italy with 4634 meters; Dom in Switzerland with 4547 meters; Liskammcon 4529 meters between Italy and Swiss. The list continues since the European continent contains many more than great splendor.

Europe is part of one of the six continents which thanks to its large mountainous chains is visited for the fanatics of the climbing. They have options to elect: the Cantabrian mountain Range, the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, the Carpathian and the Balkans. Is a privileged continent of elevations because of it is destiny of the admirers of them in search of new experiences.

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