Cathedrals of Europe

In Europe, upon travelling throughout the old world we can emphasize their cathedrals, religious temples that cover all the styles and that date from different epochs. If we would have that to distinguish to some of the most used architectural styles, these would be the Romanesque style and the Byzantine, which show perfect and artistically the esthetics of the Christian religion of that then, being becoming the architecture ecclesiastic from across europe. Also we should emphasize in the style of the very famous, Gothic Art in every Europe.

One of the characteristics of this styles is that their architecture wastes beauty, being imposed for their height and their enormous large windows, which emphasize at first sight and we show us clearly that were built during the epoch of the Middle Ages.

If find you in Paris will be able to visit the Cathedral Of Notre Give me, considered the largest and important of France where the Gothic Style is emphasized in all its splendor. It is worth while to mention that this place is one of the most visited attractions by the tourists that arrive at the City of the Light.

If we speak of style Neogótico in Barcelona we find the Sacred Family, which is found in pue from year 1881 and was created by the great artist Antonio Gaudí.

In Munich, Germany we will be able to know to its more representative cathedral: The Cathedral of the Virgin, temple that was built in the year 1.525 and that is differentiated since it far away by its two twin towers of 99 meters of height each one.

In Milan, Italy is found the Cathedral from Milan the lime reflects the classical Gothic style, being emphasized for being the second larger cathedral of the country.

In London we will find the Cathedral of San Pablo the main religious center, where is worth while to mention to their crypt, place where they rest important figures as Wellington, Lawrence of Arabia and Winston Churchill. If find you in Valencia, found also their cathedral of the same name that began to be built in 1262 where will be able to find very interesting things. In it Steps we will find to the cathedral of Holy Maria Asunta located in the city of Italy, where not alone found the cathedral but also they found the tower inclined of steps a place very received by the tourists.
In each part of Europe always found you with these famous cathedrals where they will do that wrap you in the Middle Ages.

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