Slovakia, new land…

Slovakia, that until 1993 formed part of the old one Czechoslovakia., nowadays constitutes a State of the center from Europe.The “divorce of velvet” of the Czech Republic, in January of 1923, permitted that Slovakia enjoyed complete independence for the first time in but of two thousand years.

The towns lilies, Celtic and Germans were the first in colonizing the Slovakia modern and in the century I SAW, the Slav towns arrived from Russia and of the east.after the collapse of the Empire Moravio in the century X, Slovakia initiated a long period under the control Hungarian.after the First World War, after the disintegration of the Hungarian empire in 1918, the Republic of Czechoslovakia was created principles of the decade of the 90´, the Czechs and Slovaks decided to be separated of mutual agreement.from the 1º Of January of 1993, Slovakia obtained its independence as republic.

It is a very mountainous country, with plains around the basin of the river Danube, in the south border, and in the oriental border with Ukraine.Al western, the western Carpathian they are elevated unceremoniously since the border of the Republic Czech.In Slovakia central parallel chains of the mounts are raised Tatra and of the Mounts Metalicos Slovak.

The climate of Slovakia is continental, with cold winters and hot summers with frequent storms the oriental extreme and in the mountains, the winters can be very cold, with hardly snow-covered and rains. The haste are smaller in the plains protected.

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