The islands of the Channel.

The Islands of the Channel, located in the English Channel, to the northwest of the French coast, they are an autonomous archipelago and they do not form part of the United Kingdom.Han been dependences of the British Crown since the of normandy invasion in 1066, epoch in which they belonged to the Dukedom of Normandy.Have its own legislation but Great Britain takes charge of the foreign affairs and of the defense.the. Sweater, Guersney, Alderney and Sark.

During World War Two, the islands the Channel were the British only territory occupied by the Germany Nazi.the English is the dominant tongue, although many speak French in reality we can say that in Sweater, for example, the cattle is its main product of export, along with the potatoes, flowers, fruits and a production reduced of tomatoes and greenhouse.

The Battle of the Flowers is an annual tourist event that serves also to promote the successful industry of flowers of the to be located to the south, the islands have been transformed into a very popular region for enjoy some stupendous holidays.the low taxes have attracted to an important one I number of businesses that have been established there.

The controversial question of the sovereignty on these small islands arose again in the decade of the 70´, When France and the United Kingdom were disputed the right to exploit him petroleum of the zone. Fight you go and comes, nevertheless, the islands are beautiful and they expect you during all the year so that amaze you with their beauty.

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