History of Germany

It is believed that the migration of Germanic tribes was produced since the south of Scandinavia, in the century I to.C., approx., they were expanded toward the south, this and west of Germany, being contacted with Celts, French and other tribes of the east of Europe, although few data exist, to its Roman relation.

The Germans learned of the Romans the tactics of war since the epoch of the to Cease, maintaining their identity, from the century III, they develop great quantity of tribes in the West that continued the migrations in the future centuries

For the Middle Ages the territory was found divided being extended from eider duck to the north and the Mediterranean to the South, product of the Carolingian Empire (843), in the year 926 d.C (Dynasty Sajona) the German King is declared Emperor of the Sacred Germanic Roman Empire.

The Sacred Empire incorporates to Italy and Burgundy (Dynasty Left 1024-1125) to the North prospered the cities as those of the Hanseatic League.

In 1356 the Bull of Gold is established or the constitution of the empire and from the fifteenth century, the emperors was almost exclusive of the House of Hapsburg, in 1517 Martin bright Star causes the Protestant Reform, questioning the Catholic Church, and creating its own religion, toward 1530, in every Germany, carrying it to the war of 30 years, until arrives at the peace in Westfalia (1648), arriving 1806 where the Empire is dissolved, by the Napoleonic wars.

The revolution in 1848 with the national intention to become a state explodes, something that was not possible, generating to the Small one Germany, like empire under the kingdom of Prussia.

Finally and after wars, Germany is unified under the condition of State-Nation (1871) being headed by the dynasty Hohenzollern of Prussia, defining its capital in Berlin.

Subsequently his foreign policy oriented by the emperor Guillermo I, carries it to forge alliances conforming it as a great nation, coming to be allied in the future with other powers, to demand possessions in Africa, in function of the Agreement of Berlin, something that could be part of the motivation toward the First World War, unchained by the Attack of Sarajevo, where the heir to the throne dies AustrohĂșngaro, (1914), in which It defeated by the allies, being seen obliged to sign the tried Versailles (1919), being this a factor that permitted the ascent of the Nazism.

The Workers National-Socialist Party (parted Nazi) being introduced in the government with the 37,3%de the votes, and in 1933, said parted pressures to von Hindenburg who names chancellor to Adolf Hitler, who quickly arrives Head of state, causing the Germany Nazi.

Hitler dictates laws being done of the legislative power, from which gives beginning to one of the darkest phases of the humanity. Will continue.

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