History of Spain

The history of the Iberian Peninsula, is very rich thanks to their documentation, being the first ethnic group of which has constancy written, the Iberos, that at the same time to archaeological level the historians, they define the existence of their ancestors or ProtoIberos, inside which the Vascones would be found.

They were the Phoenicians and the Greeks who carried out settlements in the peninsula, leaving part of its culture and historic registrations, although contradictory data in many occasions on the ethnic groups exist, depending on the criterion.

The Roman control, established part of its culture influencing the northwest and the Cantabrian cornice (AND.OF Iron), causing the Celtiberos, being the Vascones one of the towns that never was reached to romanize completely, besides being a population whose origin is uncertain, by its antiquity, you considered by some historians as ProtoIberos.

The founders of Cadiz (Gadir) were the Phoenicians (1100 to.C), considered the oldest Western European city with registered data and the Greeks were founders of the Mediterranean zone or colonies of Iberia, baptizing thus to the peninsula.

The peninsula had Roman invasions and Carthaginians, (Punic Wars), occupying Ibiza and Cartagena (New Carthage), reaching Cadiz, after the wars the Romans extended for 200 years in the Peninsula, which upon being summarized the control would receive the name of Hispania, where the Roman culture was imposed.

The Visigoths invade the Peninsula toward the 416, being Roman allies, who seek their unification defeating to vascones, Byzantine and suevos, establishing the monarchy, and the religion (Council Visigoth Church), being established in Toletum.

For the 711 the Arabs begin the invasion to the peninsula, transforming into an emirate, with the Moslem name of; al-Ándalus, establishing their capital in the city of Cordoba, in a year they conquered the Visigoth capital of Toledo, controlling all the Peninsula toward the 716, to the Cantabrian mountain range, remaining almost out of the subjugation, the vascones, Asturian and Cantabrian.

The Battle of Covadonga, by Pelayo in the 722 along with the Asturian conquer the Moslems, founding the Kingdom of Asturias, marking the period that received the name of Reconquest, (re-establishing the Christian character of the Peninsula).

In the century IX Charlemagne establishes the call Hispanic Mark, in the he limit northeastern of the Peninsula, to avoid the Moslem access in territory Franco, motivating the feudalización respecting the King Franco, being differentiated thus of the Iberian-Christian western kingdoms.

For the century X the Moslem capital al-Ándalus, he is become independent of Damascus, by Abderramán III, adopting political and religious autonomy, marking a growths in all the cultural areas of the Peninsula, that reached to all the cities, being the but noticeable; Toledo, Zaragoza, Valencia, Seville and Cordoba. He will continue.

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