In Europe, upon travelling throughout the old world we can emphasize their cathedrals, religious temples that cover all the styles and that date from different epochs. If we would have that to distinguish to some of the most used architectural styles, these would be the Romanesque style and the Byzantine, which show perfect and artistically the esthetics of the Christian religion of that then, being becoming the architecture ecclesiastic from across europe. Also we should emphasize in the style of the very famous, Gothic Art in every Europe.
One of the characteristics of this styles is that their architecture wastes beauty, being imposed for their height and their enormous large windows, which emphasize at first sight and we show us clearly that were built during the epoch of the Middle Ages.
If find you in Paris will be able to visit the Cathedral Of Notre Give me, considered the largest and important of France where the Gothic Style is emphasized in all its splendor. It is worth while to mention that this place is one of the most visited attractions by the tourists that arrive at the City of the Light.
If we speak of style Neogótico in Barcelona we find the Sacred Family, which is found in pue from year 1881 and was created by the great artist Antonio Gaudí.
In Munich, Germany we will be able to know to its more representative cathedral: The Cathedral of the Virgin, temple that was built in the year 1.525 and that is differentiated since it far away by its two twin towers of 99 meters of height each one.
In Milan, Italy is found the Cathedral from Milan the lime reflects the classical Gothic style, being emphasized for being the second larger cathedral of the country.
In London we will find the Cathedral of San Pablo the main religious center, where is worth while to mention to their crypt, place where they rest important figures as Wellington, Lawrence of Arabia and Winston Churchill. If find you in Valencia, found also their cathedral of the same name that began to be built in 1262 where will be able to find very interesting things. In it Steps we will find to the cathedral of Holy Maria Asunta located in the city of Italy, where not alone found the cathedral but also they found the tower inclined of steps a place very received by the tourists.
In each part of Europe always found you with these famous cathedrals where they will do that wrap you in the Middle Ages.
Viennese coffee: An Austrian institution
The majority of places in the world, they have, aside from the large institutions, well established, and that are repeated in the majority, having their analogous in other geographical locations, traditional cultural demonstrations, that they are institutionalized, becoming a part of the identity of the nation. That is the case of the coffees of Vienna.
The Viennese coffee is an establishment that has been institutionalized and that performs an importance sum role in the local culture of the country.
In the Viennese coffee, the majority of times I am lent for long stays of people that do not go accompanied, and that they are dedicated to leaf through newspapers or books, next to other people that they respond to this place with the same end. Along with the coffee, is not to be missed that a glass of tap water be served always, the one that is filled more than one time, if the stay in the establishment is prolonged.
This Austrian, or specifically, Viennese institution, exists like such from ends of the 19th century. In that epoch, in even toward principles of the 20th century, many of the famous writers of the region, they spent a lot of time in these places, by turn out to be pleasant their environment, even they were dedicated to write in these places. It is counted even that great part of the work Die Fackel, of the writer Karl Kraus, was writing in this type of establishments. Other writers and poets of coffee were Egon Erwin Kisch, Peter Altenberg, Arthur Schnitzler, among many other. Although were also headquarters of conversations and rests of other many artists, as for example, Stefan Zweig, Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt, Lion Trotsky, among others. There is no doubt that this place was lent for the creation and propagation of the art and the culture.
Though this type of establishment is typically Viennese, similar places and with the same connotations, they can be found in other cities of the old Empire Austrohúngaro, as for example in Prague, Lemberg, Budapest, among others.
The classical furniture of this type of coffees has changed enough with time, for which a luxurious Viennese coffee can be been found and comfortable, as well as also one cold, modern and modernist. What yes the majority of the times is used to respecting itself, is the inclusion of chairs Michael Thonet and the tables of marble.
So if one already it is found visiting Vienna, to be passed an afternoon reading in one of its coffees, can be becomes a magnificent experience cultural.
The Viennese coffee is an establishment that has been institutionalized and that performs an importance sum role in the local culture of the country.
In the Viennese coffee, the majority of times I am lent for long stays of people that do not go accompanied, and that they are dedicated to leaf through newspapers or books, next to other people that they respond to this place with the same end. Along with the coffee, is not to be missed that a glass of tap water be served always, the one that is filled more than one time, if the stay in the establishment is prolonged.
This Austrian, or specifically, Viennese institution, exists like such from ends of the 19th century. In that epoch, in even toward principles of the 20th century, many of the famous writers of the region, they spent a lot of time in these places, by turn out to be pleasant their environment, even they were dedicated to write in these places. It is counted even that great part of the work Die Fackel, of the writer Karl Kraus, was writing in this type of establishments. Other writers and poets of coffee were Egon Erwin Kisch, Peter Altenberg, Arthur Schnitzler, among many other. Although were also headquarters of conversations and rests of other many artists, as for example, Stefan Zweig, Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt, Lion Trotsky, among others. There is no doubt that this place was lent for the creation and propagation of the art and the culture.
Though this type of establishment is typically Viennese, similar places and with the same connotations, they can be found in other cities of the old Empire Austrohúngaro, as for example in Prague, Lemberg, Budapest, among others.
The classical furniture of this type of coffees has changed enough with time, for which a luxurious Viennese coffee can be been found and comfortable, as well as also one cold, modern and modernist. What yes the majority of the times is used to respecting itself, is the inclusion of chairs Michael Thonet and the tables of marble.
So if one already it is found visiting Vienna, to be passed an afternoon reading in one of its coffees, can be becomes a magnificent experience cultural.
Rock churches in Bulgaria
The cave paintings developed with greater splendor and practicidad in the pre-historic epoch, with themes of shooting of large buffalo and some mammoths, likewise only they were represented the animal hunting matter. This primitive art dates from approximately 40.000 years before it was of Christ and presented samples in different places around the world, especially, where had greater media and historic significance, in the Iberian Peninsula, Spain (Almería, Barcelona, Extremadura), Portugal, and France (Aurignac).
In Africa also there were many samples of this art, but with greater emphasis in the group shooting, although then would be shown evolutionary. After that first phase, two occurred more: the pastoral phase and domestication, and the garamántica, that explained on the survival in the desert.
It would be able to say that a quarter phase exists, exclusive and only artistic, although mystical motives has to spare. It was carried out in the medieval epoch and in the current one Bulgaria, in the city of Ivanovo, and in the walls líticos of several churches, disseminated by that city as greater artistic and historic patrimony of value. They are an assembly of churches carved in rock decorated with fresh rock of saints and images of Christ traditional of any temple, its particularity is its condition of rock, therefore in those times –Between the centuries XII and XIV- would be able to seem a primitive and invalid art.
Taking up again an old art to adapt it to a present, is a commendable work and of good to see, is taken like the modernist and unique, that seems to be the motivation of who, the now Bulgarian, they made possible that world heritage. Temples of stone with fresh rock, colossal art that itself has not repeated in current times by the difficulty of its execution.
Still the fresh in appreciable state are conserved, in the complex of five churches that composes the precinct, chiefly in the Chapel of the Archangel Miguel, called the Church Buried; in the Church of San Teodoro, called the Church Demolished; and that of the Holy Mother of God.
In the baptistry, place that serves for the execution of baptisms, and in the Chapel of Gospodev Dol, smaller samples are found of fresh, but that even so they compose the complex.
Since their construction was a place of great value for the monarchs of shift, inclusive in the current that favored their inclusion to the UNESCO as consideration of world heritage, in 1979. Bulgarian treasure of the medieval art.
In Africa also there were many samples of this art, but with greater emphasis in the group shooting, although then would be shown evolutionary. After that first phase, two occurred more: the pastoral phase and domestication, and the garamántica, that explained on the survival in the desert.
It would be able to say that a quarter phase exists, exclusive and only artistic, although mystical motives has to spare. It was carried out in the medieval epoch and in the current one Bulgaria, in the city of Ivanovo, and in the walls líticos of several churches, disseminated by that city as greater artistic and historic patrimony of value. They are an assembly of churches carved in rock decorated with fresh rock of saints and images of Christ traditional of any temple, its particularity is its condition of rock, therefore in those times –Between the centuries XII and XIV- would be able to seem a primitive and invalid art.
Taking up again an old art to adapt it to a present, is a commendable work and of good to see, is taken like the modernist and unique, that seems to be the motivation of who, the now Bulgarian, they made possible that world heritage. Temples of stone with fresh rock, colossal art that itself has not repeated in current times by the difficulty of its execution.
Still the fresh in appreciable state are conserved, in the complex of five churches that composes the precinct, chiefly in the Chapel of the Archangel Miguel, called the Church Buried; in the Church of San Teodoro, called the Church Demolished; and that of the Holy Mother of God.
In the baptistry, place that serves for the execution of baptisms, and in the Chapel of Gospodev Dol, smaller samples are found of fresh, but that even so they compose the complex.
Since their construction was a place of great value for the monarchs of shift, inclusive in the current that favored their inclusion to the UNESCO as consideration of world heritage, in 1979. Bulgarian treasure of the medieval art.
History of Portugal
Portus Penetrate was the name offered by the Romans to ends of the century III to.C., that refers to an old settlement, port that the Greeks had established in the neighborhood of the current one Oporto and in the estuary of the Duero, being this the locality of “Penetrating“, that toward the Middle Ages the region was named by the Visigoths, like “Portucale”, deriving thus to its current name “Portugal”among And VIII, circumscribing thus to the region understood among I Gild and Miño.
The Greek lovers of the beauty, they knew to appreciate the natural wonders of the region of the Valley of I Gild, being established in her, by which the word Penetrate, at the same time would have a Greek root deriving from the word “Kalles” whose meaning would be “Beautiful”, attributing him the Phoenicians the transformation in “Penetrating”, but besides would be able to refer according to other historic theories to the indigenous Gallic towns of the region.
Portugal represented an I suffice empire coming to be power in its epoch understood between the fifteenth century and XVI, beginning its development from the call “Was of the Discoveries”.
But it began to decay losing its overseas fleet after the disaster of Alcacer-Kibir, from which was absorbed by the Spanish Armada, what produced its loss of possessions in this field.
Being added to its misfortune the terrible earthquake suffered in its capital, which almost was destroyed in its totality in 1755, with which this decadence went accentuating, to arrive at the beginnings of the 19th century, should to face Napoleon and carrying it in 1822 to suffer the independence of its greater possession, the colony of Brazil
For 1910 it is transformed into Republic, leaving behind to the monarchy, but this can be maintained until 1926, where is ousted for a coup d’etat that plunges to Portugal in the Dictatorship, which remains until 1974, that after another revolution among soldiers, establishes the Democracy and a year later becomes independent to all its African colonies.
The Greek lovers of the beauty, they knew to appreciate the natural wonders of the region of the Valley of I Gild, being established in her, by which the word Penetrate, at the same time would have a Greek root deriving from the word “Kalles” whose meaning would be “Beautiful”, attributing him the Phoenicians the transformation in “Penetrating”, but besides would be able to refer according to other historic theories to the indigenous Gallic towns of the region.
Portugal represented an I suffice empire coming to be power in its epoch understood between the fifteenth century and XVI, beginning its development from the call “Was of the Discoveries”.
But it began to decay losing its overseas fleet after the disaster of Alcacer-Kibir, from which was absorbed by the Spanish Armada, what produced its loss of possessions in this field.
Being added to its misfortune the terrible earthquake suffered in its capital, which almost was destroyed in its totality in 1755, with which this decadence went accentuating, to arrive at the beginnings of the 19th century, should to face Napoleon and carrying it in 1822 to suffer the independence of its greater possession, the colony of Brazil
For 1910 it is transformed into Republic, leaving behind to the monarchy, but this can be maintained until 1926, where is ousted for a coup d’etat that plunges to Portugal in the Dictatorship, which remains until 1974, that after another revolution among soldiers, establishes the Democracy and a year later becomes independent to all its African colonies.
Albertina: The Viennese museum of the painting
The city of Vienna has been for a very long time one of the artistic capitals of Europe and cradle of large geniuses of the music, and besides harbors to one of the richest and interesting museums of Austria: the Museum Albertina.
You knew that are approximately 65 thousand the drawings and almost a million engravings, so much modern as of the period of the Austrian glory?
It is important to mention that the building was built in the middle of the 17th century, on foot of what remained of the walls of the city of Vienna, in the call “Bastion” of Augustus and in a first moment was the headquarters of the Hofbauamt, that is to say, the Department of Construction. Years later would pass to be the palace of Emanuel Televisions Count Forest-Tarouca, director of the Department of Construction, who sent to remodel it.
During this period, the building would be known popularly as “Palais Taroucca“.
The artistic present of the museum the due to Alberto of Saxe-Teschen, who during a time was a governor of the Netherlands of the Hapsburg. He was exactly of there that sent to move his collection that subsequently would be enriched by the descendants of Alberto.
Due to the size of the collection, the building was expanded, being entrusted this work to Louis Montoyer. With the step from the years the collection of art enlarged considerably with them contribute of the Duke Alberto, the count Giacomo Durazzo and the archduke Carlos of Austria.
With the course of the years, the building passed by hand of the Republic of Austria and was recently in 1921 that him was given the name that carries at present: Albertina. Sadly, World War Two the abandonment seriously damaged by the bombardments and itself did not come restore completely, but to the year 1998. Nevertheless, the works of repair served to change the entrance of main income, being this now set against the Towers of the State Opera, in the heart of the city of Vienna.
It will interest you to know that some of the most celebrated works that is found in Albertina they are “The Hare” and the “Hands Praying” of the German painter Alberto Durero, as well as also the studies of children of Rubens and works of the French one Cezanne, Klimt, Schiele, Picasso, among others. As you will have seen, Vienna the cultural city of Europe, the opportunity to know offers us another of its fabulous museums. Do not waste time and encourage you already.
You knew that are approximately 65 thousand the drawings and almost a million engravings, so much modern as of the period of the Austrian glory?
It is important to mention that the building was built in the middle of the 17th century, on foot of what remained of the walls of the city of Vienna, in the call “Bastion” of Augustus and in a first moment was the headquarters of the Hofbauamt, that is to say, the Department of Construction. Years later would pass to be the palace of Emanuel Televisions Count Forest-Tarouca, director of the Department of Construction, who sent to remodel it.
During this period, the building would be known popularly as “Palais Taroucca“.
The artistic present of the museum the due to Alberto of Saxe-Teschen, who during a time was a governor of the Netherlands of the Hapsburg. He was exactly of there that sent to move his collection that subsequently would be enriched by the descendants of Alberto.
Due to the size of the collection, the building was expanded, being entrusted this work to Louis Montoyer. With the step from the years the collection of art enlarged considerably with them contribute of the Duke Alberto, the count Giacomo Durazzo and the archduke Carlos of Austria.
With the course of the years, the building passed by hand of the Republic of Austria and was recently in 1921 that him was given the name that carries at present: Albertina. Sadly, World War Two the abandonment seriously damaged by the bombardments and itself did not come restore completely, but to the year 1998. Nevertheless, the works of repair served to change the entrance of main income, being this now set against the Towers of the State Opera, in the heart of the city of Vienna.
It will interest you to know that some of the most celebrated works that is found in Albertina they are “The Hare” and the “Hands Praying” of the German painter Alberto Durero, as well as also the studies of children of Rubens and works of the French one Cezanne, Klimt, Schiele, Picasso, among others. As you will have seen, Vienna the cultural city of Europe, the opportunity to know offers us another of its fabulous museums. Do not waste time and encourage you already.
The Monster of the Lake Ness (Splits 1)
Since many years ago, the people has had always the curiosity to know that hides the Lake Ness in its marine depths, therefore well the question is this: It inhabits a monster in its interior or is alone a legend? We will try to discover it subsequently through this report presented in 2 deliveries.
Speaking in general terms we would be able to define to the Lake Ness as freshwater the greater mass that possesses the United Kingdom, therefore has a minimum elevation of 230 meters with a surface of 56,4 square kilometers. To arrive at we should direct us him specifically toward the zone of Scotland. Besides being the second larger lake of the zone, is important to mention that forms part of diverse lakes interconnected of the own country that were fed by previous and very old glaciers.
The lake besides, complies with the operation to be the hydroelectric plan of storage and pumped in Great Britain. Its water are slightly hot in its surface and very colds to measure in which descends. Nevertheless world-famous not by its characteristics but because as we mention in a start, is said that a monster lives here, a mythological and legendary creature, a beast that dates from the epoch of the dinosaurs, a possible one Plesiosaurio, a dragon or simply a to be called Nessie.
The belief of the Monster of the Lake Ness goes back since 1500 years ago, is said that a missionary was the first one in giving faith to the encounter with a monster in the profanidades of the lake and from that date is that has been taken belief on the inescapable marine creature.
Many people make out it along the road that flanks the lake while other tourists and settlers have seen it since the Castle Urquhart that this located in their edges. The people that managed to see it says that is not aggressive but I domesticate since has not caused no attack or death to some human Being or another animal, besides the depth complicates the animal life and vegetable for which already there are two realities that contradict its survival.
Speaking in general terms we would be able to define to the Lake Ness as freshwater the greater mass that possesses the United Kingdom, therefore has a minimum elevation of 230 meters with a surface of 56,4 square kilometers. To arrive at we should direct us him specifically toward the zone of Scotland. Besides being the second larger lake of the zone, is important to mention that forms part of diverse lakes interconnected of the own country that were fed by previous and very old glaciers.
The lake besides, complies with the operation to be the hydroelectric plan of storage and pumped in Great Britain. Its water are slightly hot in its surface and very colds to measure in which descends. Nevertheless world-famous not by its characteristics but because as we mention in a start, is said that a monster lives here, a mythological and legendary creature, a beast that dates from the epoch of the dinosaurs, a possible one Plesiosaurio, a dragon or simply a to be called Nessie.
The belief of the Monster of the Lake Ness goes back since 1500 years ago, is said that a missionary was the first one in giving faith to the encounter with a monster in the profanidades of the lake and from that date is that has been taken belief on the inescapable marine creature.
Many people make out it along the road that flanks the lake while other tourists and settlers have seen it since the Castle Urquhart that this located in their edges. The people that managed to see it says that is not aggressive but I domesticate since has not caused no attack or death to some human Being or another animal, besides the depth complicates the animal life and vegetable for which already there are two realities that contradict its survival.
History of England
To the assembly of islands located to the north of the European continent, in the antiquity was called them Britanias, to the most important one as for size it was baptized like Great Britain, its history goes back to the beginnings of the civilization since in her we find megalithic monuments, that arrive at our days wrapped in the mystery as is the case of Stonehenge (2000 to 2500 to.C, aprox), Done monuments by the man, of the bronze Age, on the one that weave themselves infinity of histories, arriving to the extraterrestrials.
In Yorkshire another old testimony is found that is the mesolithic center of Maglemosiense of Star Carr, that dates from approximately 7500 to.C, being the first culture of the one that has dates, continuing the Tardenosienenses and it Azilienses, these last in the coasts.
Thus they were happening cultures through the Age of the Bronze, where the agricultural and hunters began to be displaced for groups calls of the bell-shaped Glass, dedicated to the commerce, thus the other activities passed to the secondary plan, attributing him to culture the sanctuary of Avebury and Silbury Hill, the monoliths Callanish (1700 to.C).
For the century SAW.C Britania was found populated by the Celts and the Picts, groups of towns that inhabited also in the center and west of Europe, carrying its culture to the islands, to the century I to.C.
Toward the century V d.C, England is conquered for the Anglo-saxon (old Germanic towns), for the Middle Ages the monarchy is characterized for its power and influence, and is found organized territorial in Counties, with the existence of a strong Camera of Common, relating to the the Camera of Lords, where the Church represented a powerful institution, avocada to the culture and at work social, structured in monasteries and
The English tongue receives the influences of the sajón, latin, of normandy and of the French, to the 1350, where takes forms the English.
England crosses for the famous Black Death toward the 1348, that to the equal to every Europe decimates to its population, carrying it almost halfway and affecting to all the human activities.
England changes its economy and is transformed into an exporter of Commodities and Importing, to stopping being a colonial system in the Middle Ages, being dedicated to the export of weavings, carried out by flamenco weaverbirds and importing all kinds of products manufactured and accessories of luxury.
London passes to be the axis of the commerce, coming to have a population of 80,000 hab., approx., toward the year 1500, remaining installed in Westminster the headquarters of the Parliament and the Court of Justice. Will continue.
In Yorkshire another old testimony is found that is the mesolithic center of Maglemosiense of Star Carr, that dates from approximately 7500 to.C, being the first culture of the one that has dates, continuing the Tardenosienenses and it Azilienses, these last in the coasts.
Thus they were happening cultures through the Age of the Bronze, where the agricultural and hunters began to be displaced for groups calls of the bell-shaped Glass, dedicated to the commerce, thus the other activities passed to the secondary plan, attributing him to culture the sanctuary of Avebury and Silbury Hill, the monoliths Callanish (1700 to.C).
For the century SAW.C Britania was found populated by the Celts and the Picts, groups of towns that inhabited also in the center and west of Europe, carrying its culture to the islands, to the century I to.C.
Toward the century V d.C, England is conquered for the Anglo-saxon (old Germanic towns), for the Middle Ages the monarchy is characterized for its power and influence, and is found organized territorial in Counties, with the existence of a strong Camera of Common, relating to the the Camera of Lords, where the Church represented a powerful institution, avocada to the culture and at work social, structured in monasteries and
The English tongue receives the influences of the sajón, latin, of normandy and of the French, to the 1350, where takes forms the English.
England crosses for the famous Black Death toward the 1348, that to the equal to every Europe decimates to its population, carrying it almost halfway and affecting to all the human activities.
England changes its economy and is transformed into an exporter of Commodities and Importing, to stopping being a colonial system in the Middle Ages, being dedicated to the export of weavings, carried out by flamenco weaverbirds and importing all kinds of products manufactured and accessories of luxury.
London passes to be the axis of the commerce, coming to have a population of 80,000 hab., approx., toward the year 1500, remaining installed in Westminster the headquarters of the Parliament and the Court of Justice. Will continue.
The Monster of the Lake Ness (Splits 2)
We continue with the second part of our report on the Lake Ness and its famous legend of the hidden creature under the water.
Such legendary creature, as famous as the Yetti of the mountains, has the name of Nessi since inhabits in the depths of the Ness, perhaps the fact that I live in fresh water justifies its pacifism of attack not the man and its cities, the truth is that some we say that alone is a legend that has charged life to attract to thousands of tourists, with the objective of Do not they stop visiting the lake of generation in generation and they be informed thus of their fantastic histories. If you desire to remove your own conclusions and to establish if is really a true history or treats so alone of a legend then have the possibility to rent a rowboat and to walk through the lake. Encourage you to do it? Without doubt will be an unforgettable experience, you will feel as one of the personages of the series Secret “Expedients X”, or perhaps from the “The unknown” dimension in search of a mystery by discovering.
The surface of the lake is Pacific for which the absence of waves does easier the observation; but at the same time confusion arises since its depth is completely dark and besides the movement of a trunk of tree moved by a breeze can generate a wave with an optic effect for which a person can say that has seen the monster swimming under the surface.
In conclusions the Lake Ness is a box that hides many mysteries; but, if themselves to stops continuing counting the apparition of the monster is probable that no longer so many tourists to Scotland come.
The scientists add to that perhaps be a marine creature of it was old (dinosaur) that is to say a living fossil and that still is maintained in force since alone lives in the lake and without the would die, but the speculations to the day of today they are maintained in investigation.
You want to see the monster or creature of the lake, therefore Scotland is the place indicated so that be witness or judge of this legend or mystery sn to resolve, dare you to be an explorer of the lake Ness, can be that upon taking you a photography in the lake do not leave completely alone.
Such legendary creature, as famous as the Yetti of the mountains, has the name of Nessi since inhabits in the depths of the Ness, perhaps the fact that I live in fresh water justifies its pacifism of attack not the man and its cities, the truth is that some we say that alone is a legend that has charged life to attract to thousands of tourists, with the objective of Do not they stop visiting the lake of generation in generation and they be informed thus of their fantastic histories. If you desire to remove your own conclusions and to establish if is really a true history or treats so alone of a legend then have the possibility to rent a rowboat and to walk through the lake. Encourage you to do it? Without doubt will be an unforgettable experience, you will feel as one of the personages of the series Secret “Expedients X”, or perhaps from the “The unknown” dimension in search of a mystery by discovering.
The surface of the lake is Pacific for which the absence of waves does easier the observation; but at the same time confusion arises since its depth is completely dark and besides the movement of a trunk of tree moved by a breeze can generate a wave with an optic effect for which a person can say that has seen the monster swimming under the surface.
In conclusions the Lake Ness is a box that hides many mysteries; but, if themselves to stops continuing counting the apparition of the monster is probable that no longer so many tourists to Scotland come.
The scientists add to that perhaps be a marine creature of it was old (dinosaur) that is to say a living fossil and that still is maintained in force since alone lives in the lake and without the would die, but the speculations to the day of today they are maintained in investigation.
You want to see the monster or creature of the lake, therefore Scotland is the place indicated so that be witness or judge of this legend or mystery sn to resolve, dare you to be an explorer of the lake Ness, can be that upon taking you a photography in the lake do not leave completely alone.
Mountains of Europe
When an elevation of land surpasses the 700 meters since its base is considered him mountain. These they pass to take the name of mountain range when themselves encentran grupadas, many of these conform mountains of renown and are points of attraction for the practices of sports. The fanatics of the climbing seek the better and higher in the world to initiate their crossing, several of them located in Europe.
Near a 10% of the world population lives in far away, mountainous regions of the noise of the city and living together in tranquility near the rivers that are born in these areas, drinking of them since they constitute the water of the total population. Besides live near her offers the better views and a more personal contact with the environment, which in the cities is not possible.
In Europe they exist three assembly of mountains. The Atlantic front extends since the north of Ireland to the northern extreme of Scandinavia and receives the name of mountains caledonianas. The mountains hercianas of Europe central have height less than 200 meters. Finally, the alpine folds of the Mediterranean part surpass the 3000 meters and they are of steep tops.
The mountains of Europe are of great prominence with heights over 4500 meters, mostly located in the Caucasus; nevertheless Mont- Blanc, Mount Rose, Weisshorn and Dom also they are classified as higher mountains of the European continent. Honorable mention receives the Mount Elbrus since belongs at seven o’clock summits.
The mountains of Europe is maintained in the following rank of height: Elbrus in Russia with 5642 meters; Shkhara in Georgia with 5204 meters; Dykh Tau in Russia with 5201 meters; Kashtan Tau also in Russia with 5147 meters; then they continue the georgian mountains Jangi with 5052 meters and Kazbek with 5050 meters; France appears (country where you can obtain very good hotels in France) with its Mont Blanc of 4807 meters followed by Mount Rose between Switzerland and Italy with 4634 meters; Dom in Switzerland with 4547 meters; Liskammcon 4529 meters between Italy and Swiss. The list continues since the European continent contains many more than great splendor.
Europe is part of one of the six continents which thanks to its large mountainous chains is visited for the fanatics of the climbing. They have options to elect: the Cantabrian mountain Range, the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, the Carpathian and the Balkans. Is a privileged continent of elevations because of it is destiny of the admirers of them in search of new experiences.
Near a 10% of the world population lives in far away, mountainous regions of the noise of the city and living together in tranquility near the rivers that are born in these areas, drinking of them since they constitute the water of the total population. Besides live near her offers the better views and a more personal contact with the environment, which in the cities is not possible.
In Europe they exist three assembly of mountains. The Atlantic front extends since the north of Ireland to the northern extreme of Scandinavia and receives the name of mountains caledonianas. The mountains hercianas of Europe central have height less than 200 meters. Finally, the alpine folds of the Mediterranean part surpass the 3000 meters and they are of steep tops.
The mountains of Europe are of great prominence with heights over 4500 meters, mostly located in the Caucasus; nevertheless Mont- Blanc, Mount Rose, Weisshorn and Dom also they are classified as higher mountains of the European continent. Honorable mention receives the Mount Elbrus since belongs at seven o’clock summits.
The mountains of Europe is maintained in the following rank of height: Elbrus in Russia with 5642 meters; Shkhara in Georgia with 5204 meters; Dykh Tau in Russia with 5201 meters; Kashtan Tau also in Russia with 5147 meters; then they continue the georgian mountains Jangi with 5052 meters and Kazbek with 5050 meters; France appears (country where you can obtain very good hotels in France) with its Mont Blanc of 4807 meters followed by Mount Rose between Switzerland and Italy with 4634 meters; Dom in Switzerland with 4547 meters; Liskammcon 4529 meters between Italy and Swiss. The list continues since the European continent contains many more than great splendor.
Europe is part of one of the six continents which thanks to its large mountainous chains is visited for the fanatics of the climbing. They have options to elect: the Cantabrian mountain Range, the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, the Carpathian and the Balkans. Is a privileged continent of elevations because of it is destiny of the admirers of them in search of new experiences.
History of Italy
The birth of Italy as been would go back to the fall of the famous Roman Empire, with the proclamation of Odoacro, like the king of the same one, its history is found intimately related to development of the companies of the Mediterranean zone, influencing the culture, having its origins in the prehistory, by the quantity of archaeological discoveries carried out in the its regions.
After its formation as been the development of the art and the philosophy begins to be gestated with it was medieval, arriving at its maximum expression in the “Renaissance”, leaving a bequest for the humanity to the present time and its influences that reach to everyone.
Italy was found divided into states or Republics (14th century-XVI), having their axis in Rome, being defined for example the Papal States to the north, as well as the Kingdom from Naples to the south, representing an axis of fundamental importance for every Europe, all the powers of the same one, they had or they sought to have interests in their different states, carrying it to cross for different wars in the course of their history since the To the XVIII.
But further on also it lived in conflicts that carried it to their unification in 1861, to bias a bud of nationalism, forming the Kingdom of Italy, with the fusion of the states of the peninsula and the Two Sicilies, with the intervention of Víctor Manuel II, (king of Sardinia).
But him it is attributed the unification to the minister in leader of the King, the Count Camillo Benso I gave Cavour, but said unification was not completed finally until September 20, 1870, when Rome unites finally, since to that moment was found in being able of the Pope, transforming into the capital of the Kingdom, containing to an independent enclave, “The Vatican”one, to which added with the “ Marine”.
In the first World War during the dictatorship of Mussolini, was allied with the Germany Nazi and Japan, what finished unfavorablly for the country, in World War Two.
Its system of government was established in 1946, I am transformed into Republican, leaving behind to the monarchy, generating thus a new constitution January 1, 1948, forming part of the European Union in character of member founder, along with six countries more, in 1957 through the tried Rome.
After its formation as been the development of the art and the philosophy begins to be gestated with it was medieval, arriving at its maximum expression in the “Renaissance”, leaving a bequest for the humanity to the present time and its influences that reach to everyone.
Italy was found divided into states or Republics (14th century-XVI), having their axis in Rome, being defined for example the Papal States to the north, as well as the Kingdom from Naples to the south, representing an axis of fundamental importance for every Europe, all the powers of the same one, they had or they sought to have interests in their different states, carrying it to cross for different wars in the course of their history since the To the XVIII.
But further on also it lived in conflicts that carried it to their unification in 1861, to bias a bud of nationalism, forming the Kingdom of Italy, with the fusion of the states of the peninsula and the Two Sicilies, with the intervention of Víctor Manuel II, (king of Sardinia).
But him it is attributed the unification to the minister in leader of the King, the Count Camillo Benso I gave Cavour, but said unification was not completed finally until September 20, 1870, when Rome unites finally, since to that moment was found in being able of the Pope, transforming into the capital of the Kingdom, containing to an independent enclave, “The Vatican”one, to which added with the “ Marine”.
In the first World War during the dictatorship of Mussolini, was allied with the Germany Nazi and Japan, what finished unfavorablly for the country, in World War Two.
Its system of government was established in 1946, I am transformed into Republican, leaving behind to the monarchy, generating thus a new constitution January 1, 1948, forming part of the European Union in character of member founder, along with six countries more, in 1957 through the tried Rome.
Container City: An option of ecological and cheap dwelling
In the large cities besides monuments we can find a series of buildings with structures and very private architectural characteristics. In this occasion we will transfer us toward the capital of England, London to know to one of its more original constructions. We are speaking of the project Container City, located in Trinity Buoy Wharf, in full heart of the city.
You knew that this singular 4-floor housing construction and of yellow, red, and white colors he was carried out in a time record of 5 months? Yes, and he carries already standing 8 years therefore his building finalized in the year 2001.
Besides its crazy design and itself creativity real estate agency, that resembles an attic of airport by its 20 tenants, this building is known globally by being an ecological building therefore was built with materials recycled. Without place to doubts a great example to continue ¿does Not seem you? Surely to our friends the architects will interest him to know who had so genial idea, therefore here we tell you who was the genius that conceived this idea: Eric Reynolds. This architect assures that this housing development is very sure and comfortable thanks to its structure modulares, and the best of all is that to rent a flat here is relatively cheap (between 100 and 240 dollars monthly). Would encourage you to live here, inside a tenant? It is important to mention that the space of each apartment is of 30 square meters approximately, so is ideal for a single person, for an educational classroom, a study for an artist or an atelier. Though is certain that are ineligible, small spaces for claustrophobic people, each flat counts on doors, windows, kitchen, baths and even balconies.
The certain thing is that in these times in which the ecology plays a fundamental role inside our companies, many companies construction companies have assured that they will copy and they will improve the idea to build similar buildings in other large cities, above all in places that are susceptible to the natural disasters. Without doubt is an excellent idea therefore their construction is carries out in little time and turns out to be little costly. By the quick thing Reynolds has encouraged to build similar buildings in Asia, Oceania and South America.
You knew that this singular 4-floor housing construction and of yellow, red, and white colors he was carried out in a time record of 5 months? Yes, and he carries already standing 8 years therefore his building finalized in the year 2001.
Besides its crazy design and itself creativity real estate agency, that resembles an attic of airport by its 20 tenants, this building is known globally by being an ecological building therefore was built with materials recycled. Without place to doubts a great example to continue ¿does Not seem you? Surely to our friends the architects will interest him to know who had so genial idea, therefore here we tell you who was the genius that conceived this idea: Eric Reynolds. This architect assures that this housing development is very sure and comfortable thanks to its structure modulares, and the best of all is that to rent a flat here is relatively cheap (between 100 and 240 dollars monthly). Would encourage you to live here, inside a tenant? It is important to mention that the space of each apartment is of 30 square meters approximately, so is ideal for a single person, for an educational classroom, a study for an artist or an atelier. Though is certain that are ineligible, small spaces for claustrophobic people, each flat counts on doors, windows, kitchen, baths and even balconies.
The certain thing is that in these times in which the ecology plays a fundamental role inside our companies, many companies construction companies have assured that they will copy and they will improve the idea to build similar buildings in other large cities, above all in places that are susceptible to the natural disasters. Without doubt is an excellent idea therefore their construction is carries out in little time and turns out to be little costly. By the quick thing Reynolds has encouraged to build similar buildings in Asia, Oceania and South America.
History of France
France or the Old one Gaul Celtic, (to which you can arrive thanks to the existence of good flights to France) was conquered for July to Cease, incorporating it to the Roman Empire, in the century I to.C., like region conquered, had to adopt the language Latin, being transformed this in the root of the French, besides incorporating the Christian religion finally for the century V.
France came the name of the older daughter of the church for this have century, being the Franks or the first conquering germanics of the Gaul, that after the fall of the Roman empire were the first in being converted to the Christianity, as well as of them would derive the name “Francie”.
In the Middle Ages, its history found it divided into territories dominated by the Merovingians, Carolingian and Capetos.
The Merovingians (Century V- VII) being its first king Clodoveo I and who motive the transition to the orthodox Christianity, coming to form a historic link between France and the Church, to the tried Verdún in 843, when the division by the Carolingian Empire is produced (Carlo Great).
During this empire or dynasty, France is divided into Westerner, Central and Oriental, until Hugo Capeto in the 987 is crowned King of France, being produced in this dynasty the unification of the country, at the cost of several wars and inheritances, being conformed by the houses of Valois and Bourbon, arriving at the 17th century with the most important population from across europe during the reign of Luis XIV, what motive His time his influence in all the continent to cultural level.
Thus we arrive at the First French Empire (1804-1814) and to Napoleon Bonaparte, who takes the control of the Republic (1799), process that was initiated after the historic episode of it Takes of the Hem, that originated the famous Revolution francesa,(1789 and 1799), which motivated the end of the absolute monarchy and the establishment of the Republic.
Napoleon represented one of the large controversial personages of the history, since ambiguously was considered a visionaries by its gifts of intelligence and its large feats, as well as a dictator, that submerged to France in endless wars, that managed to do with the control of almost all the European Continent.
But to Napoleon arrived him their Waterloo, that motivated their fall in 1815 and the restoration of the monarchy (1830-1848)con certain changes, that would give step in the years after a new political force, conformed by the bourgeoisie and the popular mass, in the next 75 years.
In 1852 it finishes the Second French Republic, Napoleon III establishes the Second Empire, during which France develops to economic level with international agreements of commerce (free commerce with England), motivating large changes in its infrastructure, to the fall of Napoleon III in 1870 (war FrancoPrusiana), causing the birth of the Third Republic.
Between the 19th century and XX, France came occupy the world second placed as colonial empire (until 1960), being the first one for England.
France participates in the two World Wars, with lost that they damaged it for several future decades, being established after the last war, to the Quarter Republic, during which tried to recover its foreign possessions, but had large failures in the intent as in Asia, (French Indochina), Algeria in which arrived at the civil war, that finalized in 1962.
Its presidents from the eighty occupied its charges for more than a decade as the case of François Mitterrand (1981- 1995), Jacques Chirac (1995 and 2007) and to economic level France represents one of the members more modernists of the European Community, to level of the politics of security and monetary (includes the euro from 1999).
France came the name of the older daughter of the church for this have century, being the Franks or the first conquering germanics of the Gaul, that after the fall of the Roman empire were the first in being converted to the Christianity, as well as of them would derive the name “Francie”.
In the Middle Ages, its history found it divided into territories dominated by the Merovingians, Carolingian and Capetos.
The Merovingians (Century V- VII) being its first king Clodoveo I and who motive the transition to the orthodox Christianity, coming to form a historic link between France and the Church, to the tried Verdún in 843, when the division by the Carolingian Empire is produced (Carlo Great).
During this empire or dynasty, France is divided into Westerner, Central and Oriental, until Hugo Capeto in the 987 is crowned King of France, being produced in this dynasty the unification of the country, at the cost of several wars and inheritances, being conformed by the houses of Valois and Bourbon, arriving at the 17th century with the most important population from across europe during the reign of Luis XIV, what motive His time his influence in all the continent to cultural level.
Thus we arrive at the First French Empire (1804-1814) and to Napoleon Bonaparte, who takes the control of the Republic (1799), process that was initiated after the historic episode of it Takes of the Hem, that originated the famous Revolution francesa,(1789 and 1799), which motivated the end of the absolute monarchy and the establishment of the Republic.
Napoleon represented one of the large controversial personages of the history, since ambiguously was considered a visionaries by its gifts of intelligence and its large feats, as well as a dictator, that submerged to France in endless wars, that managed to do with the control of almost all the European Continent.
But to Napoleon arrived him their Waterloo, that motivated their fall in 1815 and the restoration of the monarchy (1830-1848)con certain changes, that would give step in the years after a new political force, conformed by the bourgeoisie and the popular mass, in the next 75 years.
In 1852 it finishes the Second French Republic, Napoleon III establishes the Second Empire, during which France develops to economic level with international agreements of commerce (free commerce with England), motivating large changes in its infrastructure, to the fall of Napoleon III in 1870 (war FrancoPrusiana), causing the birth of the Third Republic.
Between the 19th century and XX, France came occupy the world second placed as colonial empire (until 1960), being the first one for England.
France participates in the two World Wars, with lost that they damaged it for several future decades, being established after the last war, to the Quarter Republic, during which tried to recover its foreign possessions, but had large failures in the intent as in Asia, (French Indochina), Algeria in which arrived at the civil war, that finalized in 1962.
Its presidents from the eighty occupied its charges for more than a decade as the case of François Mitterrand (1981- 1995), Jacques Chirac (1995 and 2007) and to economic level France represents one of the members more modernists of the European Community, to level of the politics of security and monetary (includes the euro from 1999).
Something more on Belgium…
Always it is good to know interesting data on each country. Today it is the case of Belgium, that has the characteristic to be the country but densely populated of Europe. The conditions of their industrial development have determined an uneven distribution of the population.more than the half of the population are flamencos, that live mainly in the north provinces and speak flamenco, a local version of the Dutchman.
The remainder of the population the Walloons they form it, French-speaking, that reside in the southern provinces and of the east of the country.a scarce I number of inhabitants of German speech inhabits the part this of the country.
The great majority of the Belgians are Catholics Roman.nevertheless, a small minority of Protestants exists, the majority of them Walloon, and a growing Moslem minority, that reflects the presence of an important community of immigrants.
The Belgians have noticeable always by the above-mentioned thing to the art, the music and the architecture. Among the notable figures that emanates of this marked cultural orientation we find the flamenco artists Pieter Breughel the Old one, and to Pieter Paul Rubens. As well as also to the painter serrealista Magritte, the composer to Cease Franck and the architect Henri go of Velde.As we see, the fame abound, all they are the ones that did that nowadays Belgium be a worthy country to visit.
The remainder of the population the Walloons they form it, French-speaking, that reside in the southern provinces and of the east of the country.a scarce I number of inhabitants of German speech inhabits the part this of the country.
The great majority of the Belgians are Catholics Roman.nevertheless, a small minority of Protestants exists, the majority of them Walloon, and a growing Moslem minority, that reflects the presence of an important community of immigrants.
The Belgians have noticeable always by the above-mentioned thing to the art, the music and the architecture. Among the notable figures that emanates of this marked cultural orientation we find the flamenco artists Pieter Breughel the Old one, and to Pieter Paul Rubens. As well as also to the painter serrealista Magritte, the composer to Cease Franck and the architect Henri go of Velde.As we see, the fame abound, all they are the ones that did that nowadays Belgium be a worthy country to visit.
The island of Man, a treasure in Irish seas.
The Island of Man is found situated in the sea of Ireland, to half a road among the northwestern coast of England, the coast this of Northern Ireland.not forms part of the United Kingdom although is a possession of the Crown, virtually autonomous. Being its capital one Douglas, the Island of Man is 48 kilometers long for 16 of wide, and its rocky coasts enclose the central high lands, whose maximum height is of 620 meters in the mount Snaefell. In the plains both sides produce cereals and potatoes.
A great I number of Neolithic monuments they indicate that there human settlements between 2000 they existed and 1500 to.C. The second wave of colonizers was formed by the Celts and its Welsh language, acquaintance in the island with the name of Manx, continued using in the daily life to the 19th century.IN the century V the island was colonized by Irish missionaries and in the century IX, was invaded by the Norwegian Vikings. Was a dependence of Norway to its sale to Scotland in 1266.
Since 1828 the island has been a possession of the Crown with a governor named by the king. At the same time, we can comment you that the main industry of the island is the tourism, favored by the smoothness of its climate and the facility of its communications. Its careers of motorcycles by the Trophy of the Tourists attracts nowadays many visitors. And a curious data is that the island of Man is known by being cradle of the cats Manx, the same that are characterized for have not queue…. You visit it and verify it your same one.
A great I number of Neolithic monuments they indicate that there human settlements between 2000 they existed and 1500 to.C. The second wave of colonizers was formed by the Celts and its Welsh language, acquaintance in the island with the name of Manx, continued using in the daily life to the 19th century.IN the century V the island was colonized by Irish missionaries and in the century IX, was invaded by the Norwegian Vikings. Was a dependence of Norway to its sale to Scotland in 1266.
Since 1828 the island has been a possession of the Crown with a governor named by the king. At the same time, we can comment you that the main industry of the island is the tourism, favored by the smoothness of its climate and the facility of its communications. Its careers of motorcycles by the Trophy of the Tourists attracts nowadays many visitors. And a curious data is that the island of Man is known by being cradle of the cats Manx, the same that are characterized for have not queue…. You visit it and verify it your same one.
The Dutch Company of the Oriental Indies.
Toward end of the fifteenth century, the explorers Dutch merchants were desirous to compete with Portugal to achieve part of the commerce of spices.for to divide the risks, just like the profits, that represented the commerce with the Oriental Indies, the rich merchants of Amsterdam invested in a Dutch Company call corporation of the Oriental Indies.
The government offered to the company the monopoly of the commerce among the Tip of Good Hope (Africa) and the strait of Magellan, in America Southern, with the right to sign dealt with the neighboring states, to maintain armed forces and to name officials in the new territories.
In 1603, the Dutch were taken the island of Amboina, one of the first lost by the Portuguese. Malaca was captured by the Dutch in 1641 and the control of Ceylon, with its precious stones, pearls and cinnamon, finally was started the Portuguese in 1656. For 1755, most of the island of Java was in the hands of the Dutch.
In the 18th century, the company was transformed of a business of commercial navigation to an of local government, with interests in the agricultural production. The Company began to operate with the purchase of local products, that were envoys to Europe while the utilities remained in hands Dutch.nevertheless, these measures failed to stop the slow deterioration of the company.its monopoly was broken, first by the smugglers and then, after the tried Paris in 1784, by their old rival British, that obtained the right to trade with the Indies Oriental.In 1798, while Under the control of the Napoleonic empire, the company was intervened by the Dutch government.
The government offered to the company the monopoly of the commerce among the Tip of Good Hope (Africa) and the strait of Magellan, in America Southern, with the right to sign dealt with the neighboring states, to maintain armed forces and to name officials in the new territories.
In 1603, the Dutch were taken the island of Amboina, one of the first lost by the Portuguese. Malaca was captured by the Dutch in 1641 and the control of Ceylon, with its precious stones, pearls and cinnamon, finally was started the Portuguese in 1656. For 1755, most of the island of Java was in the hands of the Dutch.
In the 18th century, the company was transformed of a business of commercial navigation to an of local government, with interests in the agricultural production. The Company began to operate with the purchase of local products, that were envoys to Europe while the utilities remained in hands Dutch.nevertheless, these measures failed to stop the slow deterioration of the company.its monopoly was broken, first by the smugglers and then, after the tried Paris in 1784, by their old rival British, that obtained the right to trade with the Indies Oriental.In 1798, while Under the control of the Napoleonic empire, the company was intervened by the Dutch government.
The island of Man, a treasure in Irish seas.
The Island of Man is found situated in the sea of Ireland, to half a road among the northwestern coast of England, the coast this of Northern Ireland.not forms part of the United Kingdom although is a possession of the Crown, virtually autonomous. Being its capital one Douglas, the Island of Man is 48 kilometers long for 16 of wide, and its rocky coasts enclose the central high lands, whose maximum height is of 620 meters in the mount Snaefell. In the plains both sides produce cereals and potatoes.
A great I number of Neolithic monuments they indicate that there human settlements between 2000 they existed and 1500 to.C. The second wave of colonizers was formed by the Celts and its Welsh language, acquaintance in the island with the name of Manx, continued using in the daily life to the 19th century.IN the century V the island was colonized by Irish missionaries and in the century IX, was invaded by the Norwegian Vikings. Was a dependence of Norway to its sale to Scotland in 1266.
Since 1828 the island has been a possession of the Crown with a governor named by the king. At the same time, we can comment you that the main industry of the island is the tourism, favored by the smoothness of its climate and the facility of its communications. Its careers of motorcycles by the Trophy of the Tourists attracts nowadays many visitors. And a curious data is that the island of Man is known by being cradle of the cats Manx, the same that are characterized for have not queue…. You visit it and verify it your same one.
A great I number of Neolithic monuments they indicate that there human settlements between 2000 they existed and 1500 to.C. The second wave of colonizers was formed by the Celts and its Welsh language, acquaintance in the island with the name of Manx, continued using in the daily life to the 19th century.IN the century V the island was colonized by Irish missionaries and in the century IX, was invaded by the Norwegian Vikings. Was a dependence of Norway to its sale to Scotland in 1266.
Since 1828 the island has been a possession of the Crown with a governor named by the king. At the same time, we can comment you that the main industry of the island is the tourism, favored by the smoothness of its climate and the facility of its communications. Its careers of motorcycles by the Trophy of the Tourists attracts nowadays many visitors. And a curious data is that the island of Man is known by being cradle of the cats Manx, the same that are characterized for have not queue…. You visit it and verify it your same one.
Highly: The city of the Aurora Northern in Norway
Highly it is a small village situated to the north of Norway, this city possesses a very current shield that devised in 1976 which shows the tip of an arrow in reference to the quartz arrows tips, which date from the Paleolítico, found in the city.
The city covers a geographical area of 3.815 km2 situated to the edge of the Altafjorden, extends on large wooded lands and on the plateau of Finnmarksvidda. The River Altaelva has formed one of the largest tubes of Europe, that goes since the plateau to the fjord Altafjorden.
Highly, besides it is situated next to one of the oldest and important deposits of cave painting of the entire world, Hjemmeluft that date approximately of the 4200 a. C. to the 500 a. C., which counts on more than 3.000 done drawings in rock, like ships, animal, human beings and you arm. These traces were declared world heritage in 1985 by the UNESCO.
Besides in this city the first traces of the culture were found Komsa (call thus by the Mount Komsa).
The Main activities in the city of high with the commerce, microcomputer industries, education and public utilities. The city is also very known by its industry of shales. Besides the city with two northern eccentricities in the world, one is the Hotel of Ice or call also “Igloo Hotel” and the restaurant Subway.
The Museum of High is located in the city with the same name to the north of Norway, is the summer museum but visited of the world with more than 1000 visitors for day. It shows as exposition to the public paintings of the local area and of nearby representative cultures, besides the cave paintings that are part of the world heritage, this museum opened its doors in June of 1991, winning the prize of the European Museum of the Year in 1993.
In High also it expects a without number of adventures, like you affirm the majority of tourists, such as to enjoy the northern dawn, the sun of midnight, the mountains, besides sports of snow as motorcycles of snow and the sledges hauled by dogs, and all this is complemented with the excellent climatic condition that is used to presenting this city along the year and of its stations. In High the first observatory of Auroras Northern of the world at the end of the 19th century was built, for which Highly the surname of “The City of the Aurora Northern”was won.
The city covers a geographical area of 3.815 km2 situated to the edge of the Altafjorden, extends on large wooded lands and on the plateau of Finnmarksvidda. The River Altaelva has formed one of the largest tubes of Europe, that goes since the plateau to the fjord Altafjorden.
Highly, besides it is situated next to one of the oldest and important deposits of cave painting of the entire world, Hjemmeluft that date approximately of the 4200 a. C. to the 500 a. C., which counts on more than 3.000 done drawings in rock, like ships, animal, human beings and you arm. These traces were declared world heritage in 1985 by the UNESCO.
Besides in this city the first traces of the culture were found Komsa (call thus by the Mount Komsa).
The Main activities in the city of high with the commerce, microcomputer industries, education and public utilities. The city is also very known by its industry of shales. Besides the city with two northern eccentricities in the world, one is the Hotel of Ice or call also “Igloo Hotel” and the restaurant Subway.
The Museum of High is located in the city with the same name to the north of Norway, is the summer museum but visited of the world with more than 1000 visitors for day. It shows as exposition to the public paintings of the local area and of nearby representative cultures, besides the cave paintings that are part of the world heritage, this museum opened its doors in June of 1991, winning the prize of the European Museum of the Year in 1993.
In High also it expects a without number of adventures, like you affirm the majority of tourists, such as to enjoy the northern dawn, the sun of midnight, the mountains, besides sports of snow as motorcycles of snow and the sledges hauled by dogs, and all this is complemented with the excellent climatic condition that is used to presenting this city along the year and of its stations. In High the first observatory of Auroras Northern of the world at the end of the 19th century was built, for which Highly the surname of “The City of the Aurora Northern”was won.
More famous plazas of Europe
Europe has been setting of many important events for the entire world. Place of the rise and development of different cultures. Place of history, culture and tradition. Nevertheless everything that its countries members have done and developed they have been seen expressed in many of their works and collective art. The plazas of Europe contain the essence of their places of origin and they have passed to have the rank of the most famous thanks to the interest of the tourists by them.
By its beauty and decoration the Grand Tackle located in Brussels is one of the most famous of Europe, is a great public plaza and form splits of the World Patrimony of the Unesco. In this plaza the baroque style prevails and its older parts belong to the century XIII.
The Plaza of the Gendarmes in the central zone of Berlin is famous for its beauty expressed in its buildings of the 18th centuries and XIX. This German plaza is of a great economic and cultural character.
The most famous plaza of every Russia is the Red Plaza of Moscow; the special thing of this plaza is that if is observed since the sky seems the center of where all the ways of the country are removed. It is important for Russia the Red Plaza because in her the tombs are found of Stalin and Yuri Gagarín, very popular people among the Russian population. Besides the Cathedral of San Basilio thanks to its architecture does of the plaza a charming place of history and tradition.
The plaza where unite history and fashion is in the Piazza I gave Spagna, some of the Italian plazas of greater recognition. In the warm station the gardens shine of greenness being happy the landscape, and fashionable the referring thing he is explained in which the plaza gives access to the stoops of the Mount of the Trinity where they are carried out parade public.
Another Italian plaza recognized is the Plaza of Campidoglio characterized by its Renaissance urban tendency. It is the headquarters of government surrounded by three palaces: Palazzo dei Conservator, Palazzo dei Senatori and the Palazzo Nuovo. More famous plazas of Italy are Plaza Popolo, Plaza Spagna, Plaza Navona.
Where want that go in Europe all their countries show their vast culture through their several plazas. In many of these its great beauty determines its fame, which in many cases comes since the antiquity.
By its beauty and decoration the Grand Tackle located in Brussels is one of the most famous of Europe, is a great public plaza and form splits of the World Patrimony of the Unesco. In this plaza the baroque style prevails and its older parts belong to the century XIII.
The Plaza of the Gendarmes in the central zone of Berlin is famous for its beauty expressed in its buildings of the 18th centuries and XIX. This German plaza is of a great economic and cultural character.
The most famous plaza of every Russia is the Red Plaza of Moscow; the special thing of this plaza is that if is observed since the sky seems the center of where all the ways of the country are removed. It is important for Russia the Red Plaza because in her the tombs are found of Stalin and Yuri Gagarín, very popular people among the Russian population. Besides the Cathedral of San Basilio thanks to its architecture does of the plaza a charming place of history and tradition.
The plaza where unite history and fashion is in the Piazza I gave Spagna, some of the Italian plazas of greater recognition. In the warm station the gardens shine of greenness being happy the landscape, and fashionable the referring thing he is explained in which the plaza gives access to the stoops of the Mount of the Trinity where they are carried out parade public.
Another Italian plaza recognized is the Plaza of Campidoglio characterized by its Renaissance urban tendency. It is the headquarters of government surrounded by three palaces: Palazzo dei Conservator, Palazzo dei Senatori and the Palazzo Nuovo. More famous plazas of Italy are Plaza Popolo, Plaza Spagna, Plaza Navona.
Where want that go in Europe all their countries show their vast culture through their several plazas. In many of these its great beauty determines its fame, which in many cases comes since the antiquity.
Florence, a city of the Renaissance.
During the Middle Ages, Florence, city located in the banks of the river Arno, to the foot of the Apennines, arose like one of the but powerful city-states of Italy, thanks to the wealth that obtained in the sale of fabrics and wools, but above all: of the banking services international its aristocracy, formed by rich merchants that supported the social progress, paved the streets and built schools, hospitals and a
In these exciting and turbulent times, many talented men they existed, among them the architect and painter Giotto, and two of the most important writers of the world: Dante Alighieri and Bocaccio.
The city suffered a period of financial decline in the middle of the century XVI, but recovered under the government of the powerful princes merchants of the family Médici Cosimo, Piero and Lorenzo the I Exaggerate, that governed Florence upon dominating the Senate or Signoria.Direct or indirectly, the Médici were the sponsors of a notable generation of artists, writers and butchers that have come be the prototype of the “man“ Multiple talents deeply interested in all the aspects of the humanity and of the knowledge humando.
Under the last Médici, the Florentine arts decayed and already in the 17th century they were stopped completely.nevertheless, its influence had extended but there of Florence and the stagnation permitted the conservation of many treasures of the Renaissance, that remained intact for benefit of the flourishing tourism, that I am started in the 17th century.
In these exciting and turbulent times, many talented men they existed, among them the architect and painter Giotto, and two of the most important writers of the world: Dante Alighieri and Bocaccio.
The city suffered a period of financial decline in the middle of the century XVI, but recovered under the government of the powerful princes merchants of the family Médici Cosimo, Piero and Lorenzo the I Exaggerate, that governed Florence upon dominating the Senate or Signoria.Direct or indirectly, the Médici were the sponsors of a notable generation of artists, writers and butchers that have come be the prototype of the “man“ Multiple talents deeply interested in all the aspects of the humanity and of the knowledge humando.
Under the last Médici, the Florentine arts decayed and already in the 17th century they were stopped completely.nevertheless, its influence had extended but there of Florence and the stagnation permitted the conservation of many treasures of the Renaissance, that remained intact for benefit of the flourishing tourism, that I am started in the 17th century.
The islands of the Channel.
The Islands of the Channel, located in the English Channel, to the northwest of the French coast, they are an autonomous archipelago and they do not form part of the United Kingdom.Han been dependences of the British Crown since the of normandy invasion in 1066, epoch in which they belonged to the Dukedom of Normandy.Have its own legislation but Great Britain takes charge of the foreign affairs and of the defense.the. Sweater, Guersney, Alderney and Sark.
During World War Two, the islands the Channel were the British only territory occupied by the Germany Nazi.the English is the dominant tongue, although many speak French in reality we can say that in Sweater, for example, the cattle is its main product of export, along with the potatoes, flowers, fruits and a production reduced of tomatoes and greenhouse.
The Battle of the Flowers is an annual tourist event that serves also to promote the successful industry of flowers of the to be located to the south, the islands have been transformed into a very popular region for enjoy some stupendous holidays.the low taxes have attracted to an important one I number of businesses that have been established there.
The controversial question of the sovereignty on these small islands arose again in the decade of the 70´, When France and the United Kingdom were disputed the right to exploit him petroleum of the zone. Fight you go and comes, nevertheless, the islands are beautiful and they expect you during all the year so that amaze you with their beauty.
During World War Two, the islands the Channel were the British only territory occupied by the Germany Nazi.the English is the dominant tongue, although many speak French in reality we can say that in Sweater, for example, the cattle is its main product of export, along with the potatoes, flowers, fruits and a production reduced of tomatoes and greenhouse.
The Battle of the Flowers is an annual tourist event that serves also to promote the successful industry of flowers of the to be located to the south, the islands have been transformed into a very popular region for enjoy some stupendous holidays.the low taxes have attracted to an important one I number of businesses that have been established there.
The controversial question of the sovereignty on these small islands arose again in the decade of the 70´, When France and the United Kingdom were disputed the right to exploit him petroleum of the zone. Fight you go and comes, nevertheless, the islands are beautiful and they expect you during all the year so that amaze you with their beauty.
The histories by the valleys that crosses the river Rhin.
The river Rhin winds in direction to the north during the 140 km. that separate Bingen of Bonn, crossing a spectacular valley of passes among the mountains Taunus by the east and the summits Hunsruck that surround it for the this valley they have born many of the most famous German legends, that have been source of inspiration for their poets, novelists and composers during hundreds of years.
The most famous legend, is, without doubts, the “Cancion of the Nibelungos“, epic poem of the century XIII, of author unknown.this is a combination of northern myths and of the German history of beginnings of the Middle Ages. The to sing this composed one for three successive cycles, of these perhaps the but famous is the first one, that relates as the hero, Sigfrido, carries out magic feats to obtain the gold of the nibelungos, a race of dwarves, and to kill the monster that protected the Rock of the Dragons, near the current city of Bonn.later married Crimilda, sister of the king Gunter of the Worms; Sigfrido helps Marry the queen Brunilda of Iceland.A complicated plot that includes treason, jealousy and revenge finishes with the murder of Sigfrido and the gold of the nibelungos is launched to the Rhin.
The famous composer Ricahrd Wagner use a version of this history to write the tetralogy operatic call “The Ring of the Nibelungos”, composed between 1852 and 1874. But also other histories have an origin more recent.of the rock of Lorelei, with 122 meters of height on the bank over San Goarshausen, is said that harbors a spirit that attracts to the careless travelers toward the death.this history echoes Old Greek legend of the sirens, that was conceived by the German romantic poet Chat Brentano, and taken up again in a version famous for another poet celebrate: H., Heine.
The most famous legend, is, without doubts, the “Cancion of the Nibelungos“, epic poem of the century XIII, of author unknown.this is a combination of northern myths and of the German history of beginnings of the Middle Ages. The to sing this composed one for three successive cycles, of these perhaps the but famous is the first one, that relates as the hero, Sigfrido, carries out magic feats to obtain the gold of the nibelungos, a race of dwarves, and to kill the monster that protected the Rock of the Dragons, near the current city of Bonn.later married Crimilda, sister of the king Gunter of the Worms; Sigfrido helps Marry the queen Brunilda of Iceland.A complicated plot that includes treason, jealousy and revenge finishes with the murder of Sigfrido and the gold of the nibelungos is launched to the Rhin.
The famous composer Ricahrd Wagner use a version of this history to write the tetralogy operatic call “The Ring of the Nibelungos”, composed between 1852 and 1874. But also other histories have an origin more recent.of the rock of Lorelei, with 122 meters of height on the bank over San Goarshausen, is said that harbors a spirit that attracts to the careless travelers toward the death.this history echoes Old Greek legend of the sirens, that was conceived by the German romantic poet Chat Brentano, and taken up again in a version famous for another poet celebrate: H., Heine.
History of Germany
It is believed that the migration of Germanic tribes was produced since the south of Scandinavia, in the century I to.C., approx., they were expanded toward the south, this and west of Germany, being contacted with Celts, French and other tribes of the east of Europe, although few data exist, to its Roman relation.
The Germans learned of the Romans the tactics of war since the epoch of the to Cease, maintaining their identity, from the century III, they develop great quantity of tribes in the West that continued the migrations in the future centuries
For the Middle Ages the territory was found divided being extended from eider duck to the north and the Mediterranean to the South, product of the Carolingian Empire (843), in the year 926 d.C (Dynasty Sajona) the German King is declared Emperor of the Sacred Germanic Roman Empire.
The Sacred Empire incorporates to Italy and Burgundy (Dynasty Left 1024-1125) to the North prospered the cities as those of the Hanseatic League.
In 1356 the Bull of Gold is established or the constitution of the empire and from the fifteenth century, the emperors was almost exclusive of the House of Hapsburg, in 1517 Martin bright Star causes the Protestant Reform, questioning the Catholic Church, and creating its own religion, toward 1530, in every Germany, carrying it to the war of 30 years, until arrives at the peace in Westfalia (1648), arriving 1806 where the Empire is dissolved, by the Napoleonic wars.
The revolution in 1848 with the national intention to become a state explodes, something that was not possible, generating to the Small one Germany, like empire under the kingdom of Prussia.
Finally and after wars, Germany is unified under the condition of State-Nation (1871) being headed by the dynasty Hohenzollern of Prussia, defining its capital in Berlin.
Subsequently his foreign policy oriented by the emperor Guillermo I, carries it to forge alliances conforming it as a great nation, coming to be allied in the future with other powers, to demand possessions in Africa, in function of the Agreement of Berlin, something that could be part of the motivation toward the First World War, unchained by the Attack of Sarajevo, where the heir to the throne dies Austrohúngaro, (1914), in which It defeated by the allies, being seen obliged to sign the tried Versailles (1919), being this a factor that permitted the ascent of the Nazism.
The Workers National-Socialist Party (parted Nazi) being introduced in the government with the 37,3%de the votes, and in 1933, said parted pressures to von Hindenburg who names chancellor to Adolf Hitler, who quickly arrives Head of state, causing the Germany Nazi.
Hitler dictates laws being done of the legislative power, from which gives beginning to one of the darkest phases of the humanity. Will continue.
The Germans learned of the Romans the tactics of war since the epoch of the to Cease, maintaining their identity, from the century III, they develop great quantity of tribes in the West that continued the migrations in the future centuries
For the Middle Ages the territory was found divided being extended from eider duck to the north and the Mediterranean to the South, product of the Carolingian Empire (843), in the year 926 d.C (Dynasty Sajona) the German King is declared Emperor of the Sacred Germanic Roman Empire.
The Sacred Empire incorporates to Italy and Burgundy (Dynasty Left 1024-1125) to the North prospered the cities as those of the Hanseatic League.
In 1356 the Bull of Gold is established or the constitution of the empire and from the fifteenth century, the emperors was almost exclusive of the House of Hapsburg, in 1517 Martin bright Star causes the Protestant Reform, questioning the Catholic Church, and creating its own religion, toward 1530, in every Germany, carrying it to the war of 30 years, until arrives at the peace in Westfalia (1648), arriving 1806 where the Empire is dissolved, by the Napoleonic wars.
The revolution in 1848 with the national intention to become a state explodes, something that was not possible, generating to the Small one Germany, like empire under the kingdom of Prussia.
Finally and after wars, Germany is unified under the condition of State-Nation (1871) being headed by the dynasty Hohenzollern of Prussia, defining its capital in Berlin.
Subsequently his foreign policy oriented by the emperor Guillermo I, carries it to forge alliances conforming it as a great nation, coming to be allied in the future with other powers, to demand possessions in Africa, in function of the Agreement of Berlin, something that could be part of the motivation toward the First World War, unchained by the Attack of Sarajevo, where the heir to the throne dies Austrohúngaro, (1914), in which It defeated by the allies, being seen obliged to sign the tried Versailles (1919), being this a factor that permitted the ascent of the Nazism.
The Workers National-Socialist Party (parted Nazi) being introduced in the government with the 37,3%de the votes, and in 1933, said parted pressures to von Hindenburg who names chancellor to Adolf Hitler, who quickly arrives Head of state, causing the Germany Nazi.
Hitler dictates laws being done of the legislative power, from which gives beginning to one of the darkest phases of the humanity. Will continue.
We learn more on Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bosnia Herzegovina became independent of the old one Yugoslavia in October of 1991 and was invaded by the I exercise federal, dominated by the Serbians, what has caused the polarization of its population and the destruction of its cities. It limits with Croatia by the north and the west, with Serbia by the east and with Montenegro by the South.
With most of the Balkan peninsula, this beautiful country is mountainous by where itself it observe.has alone 19 kilometers of coast, in a narrow stripe that separates the croatian city of Drubrovnick of the remainder of Croatia.along itself north border, we will be able to note as the river Sava forms an extensive and fertile plain.
The agricultural sector is crucial for the economy and the lands but fertile they are found to the north, where fruits they are produced, olives, rice, tobacco and grape for the the mountains exist large reserves of wood that are the base of an important forest industry. The country possesses also rich mineral deposits of copper, iron, coal, salt and zinc, that are exploited to great scale.
One of the prettiest zones to enjoy once visit Bosnia Herzegovina is the Turkish bridge on the Mostar, built in 1566. Besides ésto, you can lodge you in old super hotels, since they abound for all the country and they constitute one of the main attractions of him.
With most of the Balkan peninsula, this beautiful country is mountainous by where itself it observe.has alone 19 kilometers of coast, in a narrow stripe that separates the croatian city of Drubrovnick of the remainder of Croatia.along itself north border, we will be able to note as the river Sava forms an extensive and fertile plain.
The agricultural sector is crucial for the economy and the lands but fertile they are found to the north, where fruits they are produced, olives, rice, tobacco and grape for the the mountains exist large reserves of wood that are the base of an important forest industry. The country possesses also rich mineral deposits of copper, iron, coal, salt and zinc, that are exploited to great scale.
One of the prettiest zones to enjoy once visit Bosnia Herzegovina is the Turkish bridge on the Mostar, built in 1566. Besides ésto, you can lodge you in old super hotels, since they abound for all the country and they constitute one of the main attractions of him.
History of Spain
The history of the Iberian Peninsula, is very rich thanks to their documentation, being the first ethnic group of which has constancy written, the Iberos, that at the same time to archaeological level the historians, they define the existence of their ancestors or ProtoIberos, inside which the Vascones would be found.
They were the Phoenicians and the Greeks who carried out settlements in the peninsula, leaving part of its culture and historic registrations, although contradictory data in many occasions on the ethnic groups exist, depending on the criterion.
The Roman control, established part of its culture influencing the northwest and the Cantabrian cornice (AND.OF Iron), causing the Celtiberos, being the Vascones one of the towns that never was reached to romanize completely, besides being a population whose origin is uncertain, by its antiquity, you considered by some historians as ProtoIberos.
The founders of Cadiz (Gadir) were the Phoenicians (1100 to.C), considered the oldest Western European city with registered data and the Greeks were founders of the Mediterranean zone or colonies of Iberia, baptizing thus to the peninsula.
The peninsula had Roman invasions and Carthaginians, (Punic Wars), occupying Ibiza and Cartagena (New Carthage), reaching Cadiz, after the wars the Romans extended for 200 years in the Peninsula, which upon being summarized the control would receive the name of Hispania, where the Roman culture was imposed.
The Visigoths invade the Peninsula toward the 416, being Roman allies, who seek their unification defeating to vascones, Byzantine and suevos, establishing the monarchy, and the religion (Council Visigoth Church), being established in Toletum.
For the 711 the Arabs begin the invasion to the peninsula, transforming into an emirate, with the Moslem name of; al-Ándalus, establishing their capital in the city of Cordoba, in a year they conquered the Visigoth capital of Toledo, controlling all the Peninsula toward the 716, to the Cantabrian mountain range, remaining almost out of the subjugation, the vascones, Asturian and Cantabrian.
The Battle of Covadonga, by Pelayo in the 722 along with the Asturian conquer the Moslems, founding the Kingdom of Asturias, marking the period that received the name of Reconquest, (re-establishing the Christian character of the Peninsula).
In the century IX Charlemagne establishes the call Hispanic Mark, in the he limit northeastern of the Peninsula, to avoid the Moslem access in territory Franco, motivating the feudalización respecting the King Franco, being differentiated thus of the Iberian-Christian western kingdoms.
For the century X the Moslem capital al-Ándalus, he is become independent of Damascus, by Abderramán III, adopting political and religious autonomy, marking a growths in all the cultural areas of the Peninsula, that reached to all the cities, being the but noticeable; Toledo, Zaragoza, Valencia, Seville and Cordoba. He will continue.
They were the Phoenicians and the Greeks who carried out settlements in the peninsula, leaving part of its culture and historic registrations, although contradictory data in many occasions on the ethnic groups exist, depending on the criterion.
The Roman control, established part of its culture influencing the northwest and the Cantabrian cornice (AND.OF Iron), causing the Celtiberos, being the Vascones one of the towns that never was reached to romanize completely, besides being a population whose origin is uncertain, by its antiquity, you considered by some historians as ProtoIberos.
The founders of Cadiz (Gadir) were the Phoenicians (1100 to.C), considered the oldest Western European city with registered data and the Greeks were founders of the Mediterranean zone or colonies of Iberia, baptizing thus to the peninsula.
The peninsula had Roman invasions and Carthaginians, (Punic Wars), occupying Ibiza and Cartagena (New Carthage), reaching Cadiz, after the wars the Romans extended for 200 years in the Peninsula, which upon being summarized the control would receive the name of Hispania, where the Roman culture was imposed.
The Visigoths invade the Peninsula toward the 416, being Roman allies, who seek their unification defeating to vascones, Byzantine and suevos, establishing the monarchy, and the religion (Council Visigoth Church), being established in Toletum.
For the 711 the Arabs begin the invasion to the peninsula, transforming into an emirate, with the Moslem name of; al-Ándalus, establishing their capital in the city of Cordoba, in a year they conquered the Visigoth capital of Toledo, controlling all the Peninsula toward the 716, to the Cantabrian mountain range, remaining almost out of the subjugation, the vascones, Asturian and Cantabrian.
The Battle of Covadonga, by Pelayo in the 722 along with the Asturian conquer the Moslems, founding the Kingdom of Asturias, marking the period that received the name of Reconquest, (re-establishing the Christian character of the Peninsula).
In the century IX Charlemagne establishes the call Hispanic Mark, in the he limit northeastern of the Peninsula, to avoid the Moslem access in territory Franco, motivating the feudalización respecting the King Franco, being differentiated thus of the Iberian-Christian western kingdoms.
For the century X the Moslem capital al-Ándalus, he is become independent of Damascus, by Abderramán III, adopting political and religious autonomy, marking a growths in all the cultural areas of the Peninsula, that reached to all the cities, being the but noticeable; Toledo, Zaragoza, Valencia, Seville and Cordoba. He will continue.
Slovakia, new land…
Slovakia, that until 1993 formed part of the old one Czechoslovakia., nowadays constitutes a State of the center from Europe.The “divorce of velvet” of the Czech Republic, in January of 1923, permitted that Slovakia enjoyed complete independence for the first time in but of two thousand years.
The towns lilies, Celtic and Germans were the first in colonizing the Slovakia modern and in the century I SAW, the Slav towns arrived from Russia and of the east.after the collapse of the Empire Moravio in the century X, Slovakia initiated a long period under the control Hungarian.after the First World War, after the disintegration of the Hungarian empire in 1918, the Republic of Czechoslovakia was created principles of the decade of the 90´, the Czechs and Slovaks decided to be separated of mutual agreement.from the 1º Of January of 1993, Slovakia obtained its independence as republic.
It is a very mountainous country, with plains around the basin of the river Danube, in the south border, and in the oriental border with Ukraine.Al western, the western Carpathian they are elevated unceremoniously since the border of the Republic Czech.In Slovakia central parallel chains of the mounts are raised Tatra and of the Mounts Metalicos Slovak.
The climate of Slovakia is continental, with cold winters and hot summers with frequent storms the oriental extreme and in the mountains, the winters can be very cold, with hardly snow-covered and rains. The haste are smaller in the plains protected.
The towns lilies, Celtic and Germans were the first in colonizing the Slovakia modern and in the century I SAW, the Slav towns arrived from Russia and of the east.after the collapse of the Empire Moravio in the century X, Slovakia initiated a long period under the control Hungarian.after the First World War, after the disintegration of the Hungarian empire in 1918, the Republic of Czechoslovakia was created principles of the decade of the 90´, the Czechs and Slovaks decided to be separated of mutual agreement.from the 1º Of January of 1993, Slovakia obtained its independence as republic.
It is a very mountainous country, with plains around the basin of the river Danube, in the south border, and in the oriental border with Ukraine.Al western, the western Carpathian they are elevated unceremoniously since the border of the Republic Czech.In Slovakia central parallel chains of the mounts are raised Tatra and of the Mounts Metalicos Slovak.
The climate of Slovakia is continental, with cold winters and hot summers with frequent storms the oriental extreme and in the mountains, the winters can be very cold, with hardly snow-covered and rains. The haste are smaller in the plains protected.
Finland, the home of Holy Claus.
Finland is known in the world by being the country in the which was originated the beautiful legend of Pope Noel.nowadays is distinguished for many things but.the culture and the language of this beautiful country are very different to the of the other countries northern.during long periods of history was governed by Sweden and Russia, but none of the two could fold the Finnish spirit.
Finland is the sixth country but large of Europe and one of the most northern. Its topography and climate they reflect the fact that in a third of its territory is found inside the arctic circular, besides the parallel 68ºOf latitude north.its climate is very private. The winters are very cold and the summers very short.more to the south, the climate this moderated by the proximity to the sea. The tepid summers permit that the agriculture can be practiced but to the north that in other countries northern.nevertheless, from the middle of November until April, all the country this covered by the snow and the sea is maintained frozen.
Most of the country is cover by dense forests, chiefly full of pines, spruces and other these forests of charm inhabit species of mammals, such as bears, wolves, reindeer, moose. at the same time, just like in the other northern countries, the forests, lakes and rivers show the effects of the caused environmental damages by the acid rains, contamination brought by the winds since outside of the. Additionally, the radiacion caused by the disaster of Chernobyl in 1986, even affects the flocks of the reindeer Lapps.
Finland is the sixth country but large of Europe and one of the most northern. Its topography and climate they reflect the fact that in a third of its territory is found inside the arctic circular, besides the parallel 68ºOf latitude north.its climate is very private. The winters are very cold and the summers very short.more to the south, the climate this moderated by the proximity to the sea. The tepid summers permit that the agriculture can be practiced but to the north that in other countries northern.nevertheless, from the middle of November until April, all the country this covered by the snow and the sea is maintained frozen.
Most of the country is cover by dense forests, chiefly full of pines, spruces and other these forests of charm inhabit species of mammals, such as bears, wolves, reindeer, moose. at the same time, just like in the other northern countries, the forests, lakes and rivers show the effects of the caused environmental damages by the acid rains, contamination brought by the winds since outside of the. Additionally, the radiacion caused by the disaster of Chernobyl in 1986, even affects the flocks of the reindeer Lapps.
Monaco, elegance and distinction.
Monaco is a small independent enclave, situated in the Mediterranean coast, to the east of Nice and very near the border between France and Italy.Its climate is mediterranean, porsupuesto hot and dry, and winters temperate.all the area, densely populated, is divided into four main sectors: to the northeast is Montecarlo, with its beautiful hotels, residences and large buildings of departments, built in the slopes of the hills; the center Bay of the old town of Monaco, nailed to the edge of the rocks.Al another side of the old bay, that now harbors yachts of luxury, toward the southwest, is the new industrial neighborhood of Fontville, part of which this formed by earned land to the sea.
As for the inhabitants of Monaco, you story that alone a small part of them are of Monaco natives and near a 50% are citizens French.also there is a great number of Italians and an international community significant.the majority of the population concentrates on three sectors: Monaco-Ville, the capital, that is found set against the old port; The Condamine, shopping center, and Móntecarlo, famous for its casino, opera house and hotels of luxury.
The majority of the population professs the Roman catholic religion and the official language is the French, in spite of the fact that also a local dialect is spoken, mixture of French and Italian.united monetarily to France, Monaco is the world refuge for those magnates and people with many million that seek beauty and tranquility.but that visit it be not ill…
As for the inhabitants of Monaco, you story that alone a small part of them are of Monaco natives and near a 50% are citizens French.also there is a great number of Italians and an international community significant.the majority of the population concentrates on three sectors: Monaco-Ville, the capital, that is found set against the old port; The Condamine, shopping center, and Móntecarlo, famous for its casino, opera house and hotels of luxury.
The majority of the population professs the Roman catholic religion and the official language is the French, in spite of the fact that also a local dialect is spoken, mixture of French and Italian.united monetarily to France, Monaco is the world refuge for those magnates and people with many million that seek beauty and tranquility.but that visit it be not ill…
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