The most long rivers of Europe

The European continent harbors to several of the more long rivers of the world, although without coming to surpass to the Nile in the African continent or the Amazon that travels through the territories of Peru and Brazil in South America. Nevertheless, in Europe has been known to take advantage of very well the volume of the the rivers and they have converted them also in places dedicated to the tourism.

The most long one of all the European rivers is the Volga -3 531 kilometers-, considered in Russia as I laugh national, since twenty of their cities are found in the basin of the Volga. Just like the Danube, has been the cradle of old civilizations and then home of the tribe of the hunos and other Turkish towns. Currently very it is utilized as way of commercial transportation, and has managed to take advantage of its great quantity of water to build reservoirs of irrigation and hydroelectric. Also it harbors a rich variety of marine life and birds.

In the Delta of the Volga they are given quotes numerous colonies of flamencos, pelicans and lotuses, being this the only place of Russia where they can be appreciated to these species. The cold territory that has touched to travel to the Volga, produces that this freeze during three months to the year to a large extent of its traveled through.

The second I laugh more long of Europe is the Danube, the one that travels through 10 countries of the Europe central and oriental. It is born in the Black Forest in Germany so that after 2.860 kilometers flow into in the Black Sea. Its delta is considered since the year 1991 as world heritage by the UNESCO, since in their wetlands they arrive in great number migratory birds, some of them in danger of extinction.

The Ural is another of the most long and important rivers of Europe, with a length of 2.428 kilometers that travel through the territories of Russia and Kazakhstan. Besides, it serves as natural border between the Asian and European continents. Him it was known also with the name of Yaik. From 1775 it takes its current name.

The river Dnieper has also its origin in Russia, passing then by Bielorusia, Ukraine until flowing into in the Black Sea. This river is especially important for the economy and transportation of Ukraine, and just like the river Volga, freezes during the months of winter. Has a total length of 2.201 kilometers.

Of not so long extension -1,360 kilometers- but of immense importance for the European Union, the river Rhine has become the waterway more important and utilized of Europe. It is born in the Swiss Alps and flows into in the Atlantic one.

The river I Slice, considered the most long one of the Iberian peninsula, surpasses nearly the 1.000 kilometers and crosses Portugal first and Spain then.

In the list of the most long rivers of Europe are included also the Elbe, the Vístula, the Daugava, the Gift, the Pechora and the Dniester.

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