Christmas in Sweden, epoch of Holy Lucia.

Christmas in Sweden is Christmas of your dreams. As well as in the novels (or in Finland), Sweden receives the Christmas festival with its country covered with snow and a lot of happiness. As other scandinavian countries, the Christmas preparations for the Swedes begin December 1. You can obtain cheap flights for this destiny.

The calendar of advent is a custom next to the famous one adventskalender. This marcarà the beginning of a ritual that consists of that each day that even is obligation to open the windows of the calendar to count the days that remain for Christmas.the genial thing of this custom is that behind each window of the calendar is used to there to be a candy for the boy that be arranged to discover the window.

One of the most beautiful traditions of Sweden lives themselves December 13 ¿Porqué?.Es that in every Sweden, above all in Stockholm, at four o’clock in the afternoon exactly, 10,000 youths you dressed with long white robes and a crown of candles they advance slowly in procession along the streets of the swedish capital. It is an impressive setting to see, really exciting for the pyeblo swedish, and reason not, for the remainder of the world that visit Sweden. According to this custom, Holy lit up, queen of the light, and its entourage invite to coffee and crackers of ginger before the dawn.

We do not forget that the majority of the Swedes are Lutherans; therefore well, continuing this religion, her Holy Claus will take the name of “Jultomte“, which will give the gifts to the children December 24 in the afternoon.slab days 25 of December by the noon, the entire family gathers to share a lunch and to pass this so special day next to her beloved beings.

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