Christmas in Croatia, the importance of the apples and the tree.

The festival of Christmas is ideal to share in family; one of the most beautiful traditions from the world the Croatians they have it, perhaps by simple and hot, is worthy of to be commented you.

All the late of December 24, the parents and its children decorate the arbolito of Christmas, in this case they are used to electing a cut pine recently and they decorate it with chocolates, chocolates, galletitas and apples. Yes, they will tell me you: That delight!. Clearly, besides being a delight is a rite practiced by all the Croatians that celebrate Christmas.

The table of the supper is decorated with beautiful silver covers. If the family is wealthy he utilizes covers veneers in gold. In another times dry straw was placed on the table and the boys slept dresses on her, as in a manger, up to now to leave to the mass of midnight. In a corner or on the window the dish can be seen with which the wheat sown for Saint they grew lit up (and that were saved from the cat).

When we speak of “the apple of Christmas” we are referring to a typical food of this festival for every Croatia. They known with the name of bozicnica, not alone adorns the tree and a nice custom recalls us but is delicious. After the “midnight mass”, the same one that the tradition is celebrated December 24 in the afternoon is that the boys deliver to their amdas an apple with the idea to promise them love.

A loaf of traditional bread call cipov, is an on the table croatian classic. Elaborate from wheat flour, yeast and milk is used to being one of the protagonists of the Christmas table. As we see, the countries celebrate of different ways Christmas, but to all the same motive unites them: the love toward its beloved beings..

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