Vienna, the white city

Vienna is a city of Europe Central situated on the banks of the Danube, in the valley of the Forests of Vienna, to the foot of the first foothills of The Alps. Capital of Austria, as well as one of its nine states federated (Bundesland Wien). You knew that its official name in German is Wien? Yes, ¿AND in Slovak? Block ň…To that not You know how him is called in Czech? Therefore Vídeň! In Croatian and in Serbian is pronounced Beč, in Hungarian Bécs, and in Slovene Dunaj. Without any doubt nothing has to see a name with another Certain? Curiosities of the languages!

Vienna (to see hotels in Vienna) is surrounded by the state federated of Low Austria. With a population of 1.670.347 inhabitants (2007), Vienna is the greater city, arts center and politician of Austria. You knew him? It is important to mention that the metropolitan area counts on 2.3 million inhabitants, similar population to that of the city in 1914. The official language is the German. There cheap hotels can be obtained.

The city has a long history, since is one of the oldest capitals of Europe, for which counts on an important artistic patrimony. Surely already you know that during the 19th century was one of the large musical capitals of the world and at the beginning of the 20th century mecca of the philosophy and the political debate of West. All we have studied it in the school and in the university!

If encourage you to travel to Vienna is important to mention that his main tourist attractions we can find to: Albertina, one of the most extensive collections of impressions and drawings; The Burgtheater (imperial Theater of the cut); The Heurige, Viennese typical bars to taste good wines of the district; The Hundertwasserhaus, that shows the modernist architecture of the Austrian architect; The Kaffeehäuser, (the Viennese coffees); The Kahlenberg, a mount in the Wienerwald (Forest of Vienna), with the most spectacular window of the River Danube to his step by Vienna. That is all? Clearly not, we continue with our city tour…We can find in Vienna to the Karlskirche (Church of San Carlos Borromeo), masterpiece of the baroque architecture, The Kärntner Straße and they Record, the streets with the fashionable stores of the expensive and most prestigious marks; also are found pleasant coffees, like the coffee of the Hotel Sacher, origin of the Sachertorte; The Kunsthistorisches Museum (Museum of art history), one of the richest of the world; The Museum They opened by the family ruler of said principality. It will charm you to know that harbors important works of Rembrandt, Rubens and they Go Dyck.

Other attractions of the city include the Museumsquartier (museum Neighborhood) with three museums of modern art with the best of the painting of Gustav Klimt and Oskar Kokoschka; The Naturhistorisches Museum (Museum of Natural History); The Palace of Schönbrunn (literally, “Schönbrunn” in German signifies “Beautiful source”), among others.

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