The Irish population.

Today I will comment you a little more on the Irish population, so questioned by his customs and rivalries in the world the first place you story that the distinction among the Irish of English speech and him Celt disappeared almost completely after the massive emigrations of the 19th century. In spite of the fact that still he is taught in all the schools the Irish Gaelic, this is used as mother tongue only in some rural regions.

Due to the continuous and high rate of emigration, the growth of the population is insignificant and today this is alone the half of what was in the year 1841. An equivalent number to the 50% of the population of Ireland lives abroad. Many cities of the United States, Canada and Australia have large Irish communities. More than the 90% of the Irish belongs to the Roman Catholic Church, other to the episcopal Church of Ireland or are Presbyterians, Methodists or Jewish.

The influence of the Church on the social matters, like the divorce, the abortion and the birth control, is very strong.nevertheless, in this last decada petitions on behalf of a greater flexibility in these themes.not have been presented we forget besides that is the same Irish constitution the one that grantiza the liberty of conscience and of worship.the Irish town is a town that not this´Very usual to the tourism, nevertheless, this does not signify that upon visiting this beautiful and interesting place of the planet they receive you of hostile form, but its people is used to being very helpful with the visitors.

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