Angulema, between the history and the comic strip

Angulema is a city and common of France. (To see hotels in France) is found located in the bank of the river Charente and is the capital of the department of Chanrente as well as of the district of Angulema. In France three cantons exist that have in name of Angulema. The region to which belongs is that of Poitou - Charente and to its inhabitants is called them angoumoisins.

In epoch of the French revolution and to it so you happen that the dynasty that reigned in France had one of its branches under this topónimo the city passed to be called Montagne - Charente. Has 102,368 inhabitants of population and a surface of 21.85 square kilometers with a low density of population, less than 2 inhabitants by square kilometer. They have an important economy based on the copper, the role, weapons, wax, commerce, wines and footwear. Their Romanesque cathedral is one of the most important monuments than they exist in the city, originating the same one of the century XII.

As city their history is distant due to that by its locating close to the ocean was always a route of communication among Britain (to see hotels in Britain) and Normandy. Belonged during many centuries to the dukedom of Britain and to the kingdom of the same name. In an epoch this kingdom was confronted France. Also during an epoch was possession of the English kings. Its company as city itself it due to the English king Juan Without Land, that May 18, 1204 offered him the letter of city by which from that day had such denomination. Besides the letter as city brought prepared the maintenance of their liberty and of their customs, by which continued maintaining the rights and possessions that were him own.

At present Angulema is a city deeply industrialized, dedicated fundamentally to the paper industry and of the packing. Also it is an armament collection source of the French Navy, existing besides factories dedicated to the electronic and electric material. It is an important plaza of production of comics and since the year 1974 is celebrated in the city the Festival of Comic of Angulema that has become one of the appointments but important to European level. Has an airport in the neighborhood under the name of Airport of Angulema - Brie - Champniers.

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