Norway, enjoyment of the beauty of its stations.

Norway is a so much, very beautiful country in winter as in summer. In winter, the large snow-covered extensions, the frozen water and the clear air and stimulant constitute a beauty sum setting that causes the love of the inhabitants by the land. You can obtain economic flights toward Norway.

In summer, when the seas are open, thousands of people are going to travel to the long of the coast and to visit the fjords.these are channels protected that go very inside the land and in their edges are elevated high cliffs, that at times are not alone covers of trees, but of marvelous flowers of all classes. As if it wanted to compensate the inhabitants by the long winter, the nature gives them a very beautiful summer.

The capital was called Christian for a long time, but he was renamed with the name of Oslo in January of 1925. To he arrives her for a generally full, beautiful and very long fjord of ships of all the tonnages. In the fjord there is numerous small islands, to which the inhabitants in summer they respond and they live in her outdoors and in the simpler way. The Norwegians believe that the sun of summer is very healthy and that is impossible to resist it a lot.

It is used to happening that in summer many young girls of the Norwegian rural districts be going to live to huts of wood of the pastures of the mountains.although they carry there a solitary life, they have to work a lot, therefore they milk the cows and they devise cheese and fat. Thus of tranquil it is many times the life in this northern country that gives us during all the year the beauty of its landscape.

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