Hungary, one of the oldest countries of Europe.

Hungary, just as we detailed it in the holder and the present notes, is one of the countries but old of Europe Oriental, with an old culture Magyar. Mediterranean country, limits with Slovakia and the Czech Republic by the North, with Austria by the west, Slovenia by the southwest, Croatia and Serbia by the south and Rumania by the the northeast extreme shares a short border with Ukraine.

It is mainly a country of low lands and the extensive plains of the central basin of the Danube cross almost all the territory. In the north and the west they dominate hills and hills of low height.a region of rich low lands, known as “the great meadow hungara” themselves exitende toward the east since the river Danube, that flows toward the south crossing the country.the climate of Hungary is continental, with cold winters and summers hot.the droughts are common in the months of summer, in spite of the fact that the electric storms can produce

Hungary was colonized by many towns different.nevertheless the Hungarians native, descendants of the “Magyars”, originally nomadic riders, they have maintained a strong identity national.nowadays the country is not a clear, tourist place is that you can visit it as many times like, but you notice that the fort of the Hungarians is not the tourism, nevertheless they possess worthy beautiful landscapes to admire.

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