Reykjavic, a secret in Iceland.

Reykjavic is a small animated, although not very picturesque city for those tourists that seek the incomparable beauty of Venice, for example.its population reaches the 40,000 inhabitants and their main center of commerce is the agriculture, and the important sale of wool ovine.Poseedora of a hermosisima cathedral and some that another building, Reykjavic amaze to all the villagers that visit it day day.

In this beautiful city all is possible, according to their their small dispersed farms in the extensions of roads, that seem endless, the farmer cake to remove the best possible benefit of their poor land, m sowing potatoes and barley, but their main occupation is the young of ponies and rams.the ponies occupy the most important role in the farm.

The roads of Iceland are scarce and bad, and the ponies constitute the only media of transportation.

Many of the old positions have disappeared with the passage of time.the woodworking, that in a time universally was practiced, has been extinguished almost completely today, and the old Icelandic art to stain has been ousted for the use of chemical products and dyeings imported. The life in this small city is done difficult many times, nevertheless there is not day in which Reykjavic to stop working to continue growing like did it up to now.

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